The Saboteur

Shared Wisdom Guest Post – Featuring Carolina Caro  I am a firm believer that the universe is designed to grant us everything we could possibly desire. So you might be asking yourself, then why don’t I have the perfect life? If you’re anything like me, you might have some limiting beliefs that stand in the way of having everything you want. I’ve mentioned in previous posts this notion of picking up negative programming as early as our childhood.  Most of us have been taught that life is difficult in some form or another; therefore, our circumstances manifest themselves to prove us right. Exploring our dark side is a way to understand why we act in ways that are opposite to the desires of our conscious mind. Once we grasp why we have certain self-defeating attitudes, we can work towards diminishing them and eventually eliminating them completely. Identifying these shadows from our past is not always easy because by the time we are adults, we have developed a sophisticated ego mind. This ego does not want to be examined very closely because it prefers to keep us enslaved by our wounds rather than to have us get acquainted with our higher Self. Think of every time you’re inspired to behave in a way that would better your life. Isn’t there always a pesky voice telling you all the reasons why you shouldn’t move forward? That little monster is the ego. Its sole purpose: to keep you from being truly happy. I like to refer to my ego as the saboteur. The most dangerous thing about the saboteur is that it usually tries to convince me that it’s acting in my best interest. The ego doesn’t realize that it sees the world as a projected perception based on all these distorted ideas it has accumulated. I certainly grew up with the ingrained belief that everything would be a struggle. I would need to work really hard to get the grades to land the stable job with the big salary to support a family and afford all the perks in life. Sound familiar? Then if I add to that every belief that was born from my bad experiences, the recording starts to sound like this: the world is a scary place, people shouldn’t be trusted, you need to compete with others, there isn’t enough to go around, people will hurt you and on and on. And then I wonder why my experience of life is the way it is! But what if none of that were actually true? What if our inner dialogue could be completely different? What if it sounded something like this instead: “My life is effortless. I acquire information and skills about the things I am passionate about. I am fortunate enough to apply my knowledge in my job, which never feels like work because I enjoy doing it so much. I am well compensated for my work. I am surrounded by people who do the very best they can everyday. I have wonderful personal relationships that are supportive and nurturing. All my desires are fulfilled”. Does that sound too good to be true? I know my ego would certainly say that’s a bunch of airy-fairy stuff. But I’m learning to pay close attention to the voice of that saboteur so that I no longer accept its arguments at face value. Sometimes it’s like a little wrestling match between my ego and my higher Self. And yes, sometimes the saboteur wins. But with every confrontation between these two, my ego shrinks a little more allowing my higher Self to step a little more to the forefront.  And sure enough, when my higher Self is steering the wheel, life is definitely abundant in all areas. The right people and the right circumstances just show up at exactly the right time – the synchronicity of the universe never ceases to amaze me. The blessings are all there, just waiting for us to get over ourselves. We really are the only ones standing in our own way.

Carolina Caro has had the pleasure of holding many different careers from being a research scientist in the area of HIV/AIDS, to holding various sales and marketing positions in the corporate world to being an actress in theatre, film and television. But her most thrilling experience More

Saturday Selection – Tarot Cards

I realize that most of you have heard of or even have used tarot cards, but because I continue to be amazed by their guidance and power in my own life, I wanted to make them this week’s selection.

I have had my deck for over ten years, and any time I am feeling a bit lost and am looking for a helping hand from the universe, I go to this deck and pull a card.

And each time I do this, the answers that I need to hear at that exact moment appear.

I am by no means an expert on this, but here is the book and deck that I have and am recommending:

Pocket Rider Waite Tarot Cards Tarot Made Easy I think they are a great tool to gain clarity. They are a great way to connect directly to your higher self and the infinite universe.  I would love to hear any decks and books that you use and would recommend.

A Bit of Lightness

Do you ever feel that life is getting just a bit too serious? Sometimes I find that I’m so consumed with work and have complete tunnel vision toward finishing my projects and meeting my deadlines and managing everything in a healthy and productive way that I forget to have fun.  I love what I do. I absolutely do. I love inspiring. I love writing. I love connecting.

And I love remembering why I do what I do.
Why I have these deadlines.

How blessed I am to have a full plate filled with so many possibilities. 
I love remembering that a full life is a lived life.

I love remembering to:

Be silly.
Make jokes.

Giving myself permission to take some time off to reconnect with these parts of myself is such a wonderful gift.

I invite you to do the same.

Your projects will still be there when you return.
And think of how More

Asking for Help

I wouldn’t consider myself a team player. I have always been the type of person who would rather just do something myself than have someone else assist me. I thought that bringing in another person with their own set of expectations about how things should be done complicated things, and I found that it was just easier to work alone.

So I created an entire life based on the premise that I didn’t need anyone’s guidance.
I believed that I was fine (even better off) without anyone’s help.

I created a business. I became my own boss. I got to decide what to do and when to do it. I got to call the shots.


Grateful for My Special Place

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 
Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project.  Okay – now for today’s post:

Throughout my life I have always had a special place where I went to recharge.
When life started to feel a bit overwhelming – which it often did – I could always go to this special place and somehow everything always seemed better afterwards.

This place is my bed.

I remember when I was really young continually asking my mom if I could go lie down. I loved my bed, and I couldn’t wait to get back to the warmth and comfort of it. She would frequently ask me to play just a bit longer, More

Your Higher Self

Have you ever gotten out of the driver’s seat and allowed your higher self to take over? Have you ever gotten out of your own way and surrendered to your own higher power? Have you ever let go of your lower self – your human self – your ego – your conscious mind and allowed your higher self – your soul – your divine spirit to take the reins? If so – how did it feel? What was different? When I sit down to write each day, I never know what is going to come out. As much as I can control it, I resist planning. It overwhelms me, and I begin to feel boxed in. I feel that if I plan, my higher self and divine spirit won’t be free to show up and guide me along my path.And because of this natural resistance to planning, I am able to write without any preconceived ideas about what “should” be written, or what “must” be written. It is what it is. And I have faith that my higher self and the universe will come together and type what most needs to be written at that particular moment. What my soul feels that you (and me) need to hear the most. So before I begin writing, I take a few deep breaths, light a candle, put on some soothing music, and wait. Sometimes the words start flowing immediately, and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes I start writing – thinking that it is my higher self driving only to find out that my ego jumped in and took over. So I start again. I know that my higher self is back in control when I am filled with love and joy and faith and a knowing that only my pure soul could show me. It’s so important to give your higher self a voice. It’s absolutely crucial that we clear space in our lives for this voice – that we make time to listen to what it is telling us.And you don’t have to be writing to have your pure soul speak to you – through you. You could be creating anything or creating nothing when it happens. You could be painting and notice a moment where the brush seemed to be moving on its own – where you felt that pure love. You could be alone with your thoughts when you notice a new voice – a wise, loving voice that is guiding you toward your path.

When you hear this voice (or feel it, as we sometimes do), you will immediately take notice. It can speak quietly though, which is why it’s so important to be still and slow down. You definitely don’t want to miss out on its wisdom. When you do take notice, you’ll find yourself sitting up straighter and breathing more fully. Your higher self has all of the answers. And it’s such a gift that we all have access to this part of ourselves. We only need to learn how to listen More

The Importance of Being Still

If your life is anything like mine (and I’m guessing that it is), things seem to be moving faster than normal. It feels like the days are getting shorter and the to-do list is getting longer.

I write about self care and taking time to go within. I write these posts for you. My hope is that they will serve as inspiration and help you delve in and remember yourself.  But I also write them as a reminder to myself. A reminder that I am not just the messenger – I also need to receive the More

The Incredible Importance of the Sideline Crew

Shared Wisdom Guest Post – Featuring Sheri Geyer

Recently I walked in the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race held annually on July 4. For me, it’s more about hanging out with friends and family who walk along together.

I’m not a runner. Not even a sprint walker – but I am a finisher. Mama taught me that the difference between winners and losers is that winners don’t quit. They may have to find 1001 ways to keep trying but the simply DO NOT quit!  I finished the race, and it’s a cool feeling. I had some side effects More

Saturday Selection – The Right Questions

I have been a fan of Debbie Ford’s work for many years. I was first introduced to her many years ago when she appeared on Oprah to talk about her book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. She is an expert on the saboteur and our shadow selves, and she always has such great insight into looking within and finding out what deep inner blocks are keeping us from reaching our dreams.

She has a great course on the on this topic that I can personally recommend.

I came across one of her books that I hadn’t read before the other day, and I’m so excited to recommend it to you all today!

It’s called
The Right Questions:
The Ten Essential Questions to Guide You to

Play to Your Strengths

There are so many ways to navigate our way through life. Some may be great at one thing while others may be great at something else. And it’s perfectly okay to not be great at every single thing. Can you imagine how exhausted you would be if you excelled at every task and talent? We each have our own strengths and talents. This is what is so great about our world. No one is exactly the same, and we all contribute to the whole with our unique sacred gifts. So when you come across a certain task that you know isn’t your forte – ask someone else to help you with it. Or pass it along completely to another who excels in that area. Be the best you that you can possibly be. By catering to your strengths and staying true to who you are, your life will automatically flow so much easier.I have been immersing myself in a wonderful marketing program where I get to sift through many tools and tips and tricks and lessons and assignments and all sort of goodies.

And it’s a great way for me to see what my strengths are in this area.
What feels the most like me? What is a stretch but still caters to my strengths? What is a stretch and truly doesn’t feel right for me at all?

We can each do this in every aspect of our life.

Think of your day-to-day routine. 

Is there any part of it where you are doing something that doesn’t cater to your strengths?  Are you compromising your own uniqueness in any way? It could be that you would rather pass the bookkeeping along to someone else and instead have more time to create. It could be that the project you’ve been working on at work doesn’t seem to be organized in a way that makes sense to you – so you could take some time to restructure it in a way that makes more sense. It could be that you’ve always played the piano, but it’s a constant struggle to try to read the music. And you find that you pick up the guitar music much more easily. Just go with that and listen to what your body and inner voice are telling you.

Life gets so much easier when we go with the current instead of against it.
Let’s all agree to swim downstream rather than upstream.
We’ll feel so More

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