If your life is anything like mine (and I’m guessing that it is), things seem to be moving faster than normal. It feels like the days are getting shorter and the to-do list is getting longer.

I write about self care and taking time to go within. I write these posts for you. My hope is that they will serve as inspiration and help you delve in and remember yourself.  But I also write them as a reminder to myself. A reminder that I am not just the messenger – I also need to receive the message.

I am definitely guilty of waking up thinking about all that needs to be done – jumping right into life before I have even touched base with how I am feeling, what I am needing, or what I hope to get out of the day spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I race from one task to the next – responding to emails, putting together orders, listening to teleconferences, writing, connecting, marketing, making products, working on websites – etc.

And sometimes I forget that self care has the word “self” in it.
It’s not caring for others and making sure that your message is being heard.

It’s caring for yourself so that your message can be heard.

It’s about taking time to be still.
To breathe.
To notice.

To relax.
To listen.
To awaken.
To remember.

It’s about taking time for you.

It’s about realizing that “you time” isn’t going to just show up.
You are going to have to carve out a chunk. You are going to have to make it happen. You are going to have to take action to make sure you appear on your to-do list. You are going to have to honor yourself by actually showing up for your appointment with yourself.

You are going to have to remember that you matter. I am remembering this right now.
And I am going to take a moment to get back in touch with the part of my soul that needs me most.

Let’s all do that right now.
Just for this moment.
Just in this exact time and space.
We truly matter.
We truly do.


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