Shared Wisdom Guest Post – Featuring Carolina Caro
 I am a firm believer that the universe is designed to grant us everything we could possibly desire. So you might be asking yourself, then why don’t I have the perfect life? If you’re anything like me, you might have some limiting beliefs that stand in the way of having everything you want. I’ve mentioned in previous posts this notion of picking up negative programming as early as our childhood.  Most of us have been taught that life is difficult in some form or another; therefore, our circumstances manifest themselves to prove us right. Exploring our dark side is a way to understand why we act in ways that are opposite to the desires of our conscious mind. Once we grasp why we have certain self-defeating attitudes, we can work towards diminishing them and eventually eliminating them completely.
Identifying these shadows from our past is not always easy because by the time we are adults, we have developed a sophisticated ego mind. This ego does not want to be examined very closely because it prefers to keep us enslaved by our wounds rather than to have us get acquainted with our higher Self. Think of every time you’re inspired to behave in a way that would better your life. Isn’t there always a pesky voice telling you all the reasons why you shouldn’t move forward? That little monster is the ego. Its sole purpose: to keep you from being truly happy. I like to refer to my ego as the saboteur. The most dangerous thing about the saboteur is that it usually tries to convince me that it’s acting in my best interest. The ego doesn’t realize that it sees the world as a projected perception based on all these distorted ideas it has accumulated.
I certainly grew up with the ingrained belief that everything would be a struggle. I would need to work really hard to get the grades to land the stable job with the big salary to support a family and afford all the perks in life. Sound familiar? Then if I add to that every belief that was born from my bad experiences, the recording starts to sound like this: the world is a scary place, people shouldn’t be trusted, you need to compete with others, there isn’t enough to go around, people will hurt you and on and on. And then I wonder why my experience of life is the way it is!
But what if none of that were actually true? What if our inner dialogue could be completely different? What if it sounded something like this instead: “My life is effortless. I acquire information and skills about the things I am passionate about. I am fortunate enough to apply my knowledge in my job, which never feels like work because I enjoy doing it so much. I am well compensated for my work. I am surrounded by people who do the very best they can everyday. I have wonderful personal relationships that are supportive and nurturing. All my desires are fulfilled”. Does that sound too good to be true? I know my ego would certainly say that’s a bunch of airy-fairy stuff.
But I’m learning to pay close attention to the voice of that saboteur so that I no longer accept its arguments at face value. Sometimes it’s like a little wrestling match between my ego and my higher Self. And yes, sometimes the saboteur wins. But with every confrontation between these two, my ego shrinks a little more allowing my higher Self to step a little more to the forefront.  And sure enough, when my higher Self is steering the wheel, life is definitely abundant in all areas. The right people and the right circumstances just show up at exactly the right time – the synchronicity of the universe never ceases to amaze me. The blessings are all there, just waiting for us to get over ourselves. We really are the only ones standing in our own way.
Carolina Caro has had the pleasure of holding many different careers from being a research scientist in the area of HIV/AIDS, to holding various sales and marketing positions in the corporate world to being an actress in theatre, film and television. But her most thrilling experience is her ongoing spiritual journey towards her higher Self, which she openly shares with others through her coaching and her writing.
Thank you so much, Carolina, for this wonderfully insightful post! Kudos to you for going within, recognizing your limiting beliefs, and then allowing your higher self to rise up and let the universe work its magic. Great advice for us all!

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