Do you ever feel that life is getting just a bit too serious?
Sometimes I find that I’m so consumed with work and have complete tunnel vision toward finishing my projects and meeting my deadlines and managing everything in a healthy and productive way that I forget to have fun. 
I love what I do. I absolutely do.
I love inspiring.
I love writing.
I love connecting.

And I love remembering why I do what I do.
Why I have these deadlines.

How blessed I am to have a full plate filled with so many possibilities. 
I love remembering that a full life is a lived life.

I love remembering to:

Be silly.
Make jokes.

Giving myself permission to take some time off to reconnect with these parts of myself is such a wonderful gift.

I invite you to do the same.

Your projects will still be there when you return.
And think of how much happier you’ll be to come back with a fresh perspective.
A lighter perspective.

When life gets too serious, bring a bit of lightness into it.
You’ll be so glad you did.

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