There are so many ways to navigate our way through life.
Some may be great at one thing while others may be great at something else.
And it’s perfectly okay to not be great at every single thing.
Can you imagine how exhausted you would be if you excelled at every task and talent?
We each have our own strengths and talents. This is what is so great about our world. No one is exactly the same, and we all contribute to the whole with our unique sacred gifts.
So when you come across a certain task that you know isn’t your forte – ask someone else to help you with it. Or pass it along completely to another who excels in that area.
Be the best you that you can possibly be.
By catering to your strengths and staying true to who you are, your life will automatically flow so much easier.I have been immersing myself in a wonderful marketing program where I get to sift through many tools and tips and tricks and lessons and assignments and all sort of goodies.

And it’s a great way for me to see what my strengths are in this area.
What feels the most like me? What is a stretch but still caters to my strengths? What is a stretch and truly doesn’t feel right for me at all?

We can each do this in every aspect of our life.

Think of your day-to-day routine. 

Is there any part of it where you are doing something that doesn’t cater to your strengths? 
Are you compromising your own uniqueness in any way? It could be that you would rather pass the bookkeeping along to someone else and instead have more time to create. It could be that the project you’ve been working on at work doesn’t seem to be organized in a way that makes sense to you – so you could take some time to restructure it in a way that makes more sense. It could be that you’ve always played the piano, but it’s a constant struggle to try to read the music. And you find that you pick up the guitar music much more easily. Just go with that and listen to what your body and inner voice are telling you.

Life gets so much easier when we go with the current instead of against it.
Let’s all agree to swim downstream rather than upstream.
We’ll feel so much more energized and relaxed at the same time.
Catering to our strengths is a great way to make this happen.

P.S. – I started a new feature called Shared Wisdom! Each Sunday I will post an amazing article from a guest blogger! If you are interested in being considered, please click here for more information! We all have a unique voice, and I can’t wait to share your message!

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