Decide. Just Decide.

I’ve been going back and forth on a decision for months. One minute, I move forward with it. And the next I step back.

I’ve gone within and asked my soul what I was meant to do. And I’ve also looked to others to help me gain clarity and grounding around this situation.

And still, nothing came to me. It all felt murky and unclear. Even now, as I’m writing this, I’m still not sure what I’m going to do. I’m still going back and forth. I still have half of my More

I Choose Love

Each year I choose a word that I want to embody. A word that I want to fully integrate into my life. A word that will reflect my essence and both my inner and outer experience.

This year, my word is Love. 

It wasn’t the word I planned on (that word was Balance). But it is the word that I suppose I needed the most.

It popped into my consciousness when my dog-ter, Xena, died. I was absolutely heartbroken (still More

You Have the Power (Free Printable Art) + Introducing the Angel Fund!

I’m constantly amazed by how often we give away our power. There are so many reasons why we do it: because we’re afraid, because it’s easier, because we didn’t want the responsibility that came with it, because we don’t feel worthy of it, because we don’t want to appear boastful or too big for our britches, etc.

For many of us, somewhere along our journey we learned that feeling powerful was a bad thing to feel. Somehow we learned that having power was More

Let’s Stop Making Excuses

When you look at your life – how you spend your days, where you live, who you surround yourself with, etc. – do you feel happy, content, passionate, satisfied, and joyful? Or do you feel resentful, angry, sad, apathetic, and afraid?

Regardless of which description depicts your life, do you believe that you have created it? Would you agree that no one – absolutely no one – is to blame for your unhappiness or dissatisfaction? Just like no one else can take credit for your More

Choosing Passion

Are you living your passion?

Do you know what your passion is?

When you think about your life, does a part of you light up inside, or do you feel drained and stuck somehow?

Passion is a big deal. We all have it inside of us, and yet it can sometimes seem a bit daunting to mold our life around it, right? It can seem scary and embracing it could feel like going against the grain in our comfortable life. What if we go after our passion and fail? What if we were wrong, and we’re not really passionate More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

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