passionAre you living your passion?

Do you know what your passion is?

When you think about your life, does a part of you light up inside, or do you feel drained and stuck somehow?

Passion is a big deal. We all have it inside of us, and yet it can sometimes seem a bit daunting to mold our life around it, right? It can seem scary and embracing it could feel like going against the grain in our comfortable life. What if we go after our passion and fail? What if we were wrong, and we’re not really passionate about what we thought we were passionate about after all? The “what ifs” can stop us before we ever take our leap toward a passionate life.

I definitely know how it feels to stuff my passion down and squash it beneath all of my fears and insecurities. I know what it’s like to wake up every day and go to a job that I actively disliked and cared so little for. I know what it’s like to leave that job each day crying and frustrated – feeling so small that this is what my life had become.

But I also know what it’s like to turn it all around and embrace my passion wholeheartedly. I know what it’s like to wake up, walk into my home office, and write words that will be read by someone who needed to read them that day. I know what it’s like to connect with someone who needed a boost of inspiration at the exact moment that our paths crossed. I know what it’s like to envision and create a life that feels exactly like who I am and what I know I was born to do.

But living my passion didn’t happen overnight, and it definitely didn’t happen without effort and conscious choice and daring to leap. 

I always knew that I was passionate about writing, but I didn’t truly believe that it’s what I would do for a living. I wanted to write feel-good pieces that inspired people and lifted them up. I wanted to fill the world with writing that contained sap and hearts and lots of love. “Who does that?” I would say to myself, and then quickly dismiss this inner yearning.

Growing up, I often wondered why I couldn’t just be happy with writing fiction or being a journalist – what I considered more mainstream writing careers. But sadly, I just wasn’t passionate about either of them. All I wanted to do was draw swirls and hearts and pretty letters and let the entire world know that everything was going to be okay. That they were loved, and that we were all on this journey together.

But I didn’t feel like I could embrace such a Pollyanna-like dream.

So I decided that I would become someone serious and respected. I would become a lawyer. My first two years of college were pre-law, and I was bored, bored, bored. When I realized that I would be miserable as a lawyer, I instead decided that I would be a technical editor – it felt safe, and I knew I could get a job with this skill. Which is exactly what I did when I graduated. But I wasn’t happy doing it. It wasn’t creative or positive or inspiring – I wasn’t writing or creating at all. I was helping someone else live their dream while mine seemed like it had been permanently shelved.

After years of squashing my passion for writing, I slowly began to remember. I would write a poem. Or create a post. And each time I gave birth to a new creation, I felt a spark inside of me begin to reignite. And that gave me the courage to write more and create more.

I finally took the leap and made this my full-time job nine years ago. It has evolved over the years – focusing at first on the visual creations, then combining my writing and art together into functional products, and finally where I am today: an inspirational writer.

But like I said, this life didn’t just happen overnight – it actually took years of struggle for me to be okay with my passion and not feel silly about it. I needed to let go of my own insecurities about my purpose and get out of my own way. I needed to let my soul drive – knowing that all of this warmth and sappiness inside of me was meant to be shared. Once I realized that it was okay to put all of myself into my writing, the words and ideas began to flow.

I was so excited to be embracing my passion, and while it took a few years to be able to make a living at it, it was definitely worth persevering for. By then, I had ignited my own passion spark, and it felt SO good to embrace it and let it run rampant throughout each part of my life.

And now, I couldn’t imagine not living my passion – not waking up every day and living my dream. It’s been such an amazing journey. (It also helps immensely to have my beautiful husband standing next to me – supporting me and loving me each step of the way. We leaped together, and that helps a whole lot. I also believe that I’ll always be supported by the universe, and knowing that allows me to take risks and really leap – I know I’ll never fall too far down where I won’t be able to get back up again.)

Finding and living my passion is a daily choice that I make. I would love to say that one day I woke up, snapped my fingers, and poof! I was living my passion! But, it definitely didn’t happen that way. I am 37 now, so I would say that it’s taken 37 years to truly live my passion. Because each life experience has led to right where I am today. And if the experiences hadn’t happened exactly how they did, who knows where I would be right now.

I love my life. I love the fact that I get to create and write every single day. I love that others find my words inspiring, and I love hearing stories about how lives are changing because of them. I frequently feel like I’m the luckiest woman in the world, and I haven’t always been able to say that.

I believe it’s because I said yes to my dream, and my dream has continued to say yes back to me ever since. I love how it happens like that.

And I know that it can happen to you that way, too. I know it. It’s really just a matter of choosing passion.

Really choosing it over all of those negative thoughts and worries and fears. Finding what you’re passionate about, embracing it, and then being brave enough to live it.

I know you can do it. I know that you have so much passion inside of you that can’t wait to be expressed! So please, get out there and express it!

If you would like some support in finding and embracing your passion, definitely keep reading. I’m excited to share my friend, Barrie Davenport’s new course with you!


Introducing The Path to Passion Course…

barrie-davenportMy friend, Barrie Davenport, is an expert on supporting people in finding and living their passion!

I’m excited to share that registration just opened for her new course called, The Path To Passion!

It’s a holistic approach to living a life of passion and purpose that involves . . .

  • Gaining a thorough knowledge of your personality, aptitudes, and interests
  • Acknowledging and addressing your fears, limiting beliefs, and emotional roadblocks
  • Creating priorities and finding balance in all areas of your life
  • Defining your core values and life purpose
  • Researching and experimenting with your strong interests
  • Finding mentors, supporters, and a tribe of like-minded passion-seekers

After you complete all of these steps, you will create a personal plan of action to re-design your life around your passion–to create a new life of purpose, joy, and enthusiasm. Even if you feel “stuck” right now in your job or have other obligations keeping you from enjoying life to the fullest–you CAN begin the process of uncovering your passion and making it part of your life.

Regardless of your particular situation–it IS possible!

Whether you . . .

  • have no idea what your passion might be;
  • don’t think you can change jobs right now;
  • believe you are too old or it’s too late for you;
  • fear that you won’t be successful or can’t make it happen;
  • worry that you might choose the “wrong passion”;
  • feel completely stuck.


The Path to Passion Course features 8 modules covering the 8 pillar formula for uncovering your life passion and implementing it in your life. Each week, you will cover two modules.

Each module during the 4-Week Course includes . . .

  • Weekly in-depth articles
  • Video lessons with Barrie and Stephanie
  • Weekly podcasts with Barrie and Stephanie
  • Weekly personal teleseminars with Barrie and Stephanie
  • Guest experts
  • A personal interactive online forum
  • A Path to Passion Workbook and Action Calendar
  • PLUS, over $400 in personal development bonus materials!




Click here to register:

Path to Passion Course

Hurry though – class starts on April 6th!


Here’s to each of us reaching our passion together!



P.S. – I am an affiliate for Barrie’s course, which means that I’ll receive a percentage of the sale if you sign up. (Thanks!) Even if I wasn’t though, I would still share it here because I believe in it completely.

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