Give Yourself The Gift of Compassionate Self-Care

I recently invited the Soulful Life Sanctuary Soul Guides to share their loving words here on Soul Speak. My dear friend, Shann Vander Leek, is the guide for the Loving Self-Care Sacred Space inside the sanctuary. I have known Shann for years, and she is such a loving soul who truly walks the walk in embodying self care and self love. I’m so grateful that she shares her heart in the sanctuary and also here on Soul Speak!

In this post, Shann More

Leaping into Silence

If we’ve been connected for a while here on Soul Speak, you may have noticed a shift in me over the last year. I’ve been doing much less and reflecting much more. I’ve been listening to my soul more often and have been doing my best to take my ego out of the driver’s seat. I’ve been taking better care of my tired body by resting and disconnecting from the outside world as much as possible.

I’ve been remembering how important More

The Benefits of Exhaustion

I’m writing this post from my new “office” – the couch in my living room that I’ve been spending most of my time on for the past month. (My body decided that it was time for some enforced rest, which I’ve been giving it – albeit reluctantly and begrudgingly at times.)

I’ve postponed all of my Skype sessions for the time being, cut way back on my work hours, and have focused solely on relaxing, de-stressing, and simply allowing myself to BE.

I’ve More

Honoring Our Sensitivity

I shared something on Facebook yesterday that seems to be striking a chord with many.

It was a post that I was nervous to share – because even though I know that what I’m doing is right for me, I still have that piece that runs very deep within that feels that somehow I should feel bad or guilty for honoring my sensitivity and taking care of my own needs.

Here is the post that I wrote: 

Jodi Chapman

July 26, 2014

As an introvert, I need a lot of time to recharge after being “on” More

Taking My Own Medicine

Oh, this soul of mine is something else. It just doesn’t give up. No matter how much I ignore it or try to silence it or stuff its voice deep down, it always comes back – always with loving persistence.

Several years ago, I started down this path of listening to my soul and helping others do the same. I had many conversations with someone on the other side who said this was my life’s calling. Those conversations were followed by More

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