body-and-soulOh, this soul of mine is something else. It just doesn’t give up. No matter how much I ignore it or try to silence it or stuff its voice deep down, it always comes back – always with loving persistence.

Several years ago, I started down this path of listening to my soul and helping others do the same. I had many conversations with someone on the other side who said this was my life’s calling. Those conversations were followed by a dream where I saw myself being filled with love so that I could be a conduit for others – where I knew that it was my calling to share this loving energy with others.

And after a year or so of fighting this calling (“It’s too big, too much responsibility. I’m too afraid, too private, too sensitive, too _______ to do this. Choose someone else, please.”), I took a leap and decided to embrace it wholeheartedly. I decided to give absolutely everything, everything, everything I had to it. I was impassioned by it, engrossed by it, and completely immersed in it. I took it very, very seriously.

So seriously that I didn’t have time to sleep – there were too many who needed to receive this love. Too many who needed to know that they weren’t alone. Too many who were ready to see the light and just needed a loving nudge saying that it was okay to look for it.

So seriously that I didn’t have time to listen to my body – it just needed to cooperate and hang in there and give me what I needed because I was doing soul work and this was important and it was just going to have to deal with it.

So seriously that I didn’t have time to realize that my own needs mattered – that being of service to others wouldn’t work if I wasn’t first being of service to myself.

I just knew that I needed to take this message and RUN – fast and far.

I thought that this whole life thing/sharing-our-message thing/living-our-calling thing was a sprint – quicker, quicker, faster, faster, go, go, more, more!!!

And what I now am feeling at such a deep level is that it’s actually a marathon. It’s about pacing ourselves so that we’re here for the long haul – so we don’t tire out too quickly and lose steam and putter out and collapse before we reach the finish line.

Oh yeah.

This makes perfect sense, but I was too busy running and wanting to be the best messenger ever that I completely forgot about this.

Until yesterday.

I was planning on spending the day working (spreading love, hanging out in the sanctuary, inspiring, connecting, and seeing – really seeing – other beautiful souls). When I woke up, though, my soul and my body let me know that this wouldn’t be happening. I was so tired that all I could imagine doing was staying in bed. I was completely exhausted.

As much as I wanted to support others, I first needed to take some time to support myself. I had spent years being so consumed with sharing this message with others that I had forgotten to take my own medicine: 

Slow down. Connect with your soul. Honor your own needs. Show up authentically in the world. Let love flow into you and out of you. Balance Heaven and Earth. Sleep when you’re tired. Have faith in yourself, in others, and in the universe. Embrace each moment. Focus on what is working rather than what isn’t. Give yourself permission to feel joy. Rest. Listen to your body. Love, love, and love some more (others and also yourself). 

So yesterday I did this. I turned off the computer, and I rested. I took two naps. I laid on the couch and watched two movies. I read two books. I spent hours talking with Dan – about how I was feeling and how I want my life to be moving forward and how I’m no longer okay with putting my own needs on hold in order to make sure everyone else’s are taken care of.

I realized that I had been trying to offer this message in the way that I thought it should be offered rather than trusting in myself enough to know that I’ll offer it perfectly just by being me: whole, loving, well-rested me. 

Oh yeah.

Such a great reminder, right?

And that goes for all of us. Because I believe that we each have a unique calling. I believe that we are each offering love in our own way.

We have to honor our uniqueness and our sensitivities and our bodies and our energy levels and our needs in the process.

And trust, trust, trust in ourselves and in the universe and in our angels to know that we wouldn’t have been given this message to share if we weren’t the absolute perfect ones to share it in our own perfect way. 

Oh yeah.

So refreshing to remember. I’m not meant to push so hard. None of us are. I’m meant to step back and have complete faith that it’s all happening exactly how it should. The love is flowing to those who are meant to receive it.

It’s like magic. And all we have to do is show up from a rested, whole, all-loved-up space in order for this to happen.

Oh yeah.

Thank you to my soul for helping me receive this message.

Thank you to me for listening to it and letting it seep into my entire being.

And thank you to you for hearing it and hopefully taking it into your own heart.

It’s time we take all of the love that we are offering to others and give some of it to ourselves. It’s time for us to take a dose of our own loving medicine.

Oh yeah. 🙂

We’re SO worth it!



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