Shared Wisdom – You’re Never Too Young to Follow Your Heart

Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Samantha Pelletier 

Four years ago today, I was on what most would consider a sensible path. I was admitted to a well-respected honors program for university on a full-tuition scholarship, where I started off as a happy double major in English and Psychology with plans on attending law school.

Despite my pride in my academic and personal accomplishments, deep down I had a sense that something was missing. Not surprising, my body gave out on me and my life was More

It Feels So Good to See Others Soar!

Have you ever watched someone else soar, and it made you want to flap your own wings and fly as well? Have you ever felt so inspired by someone that you wanted to share that feeling with everyone? Have you ever seen someone reaching their dreams, and it made your own heart swell with love and pride and excitement?

I have. I feel this all of the time. I am lucky to be surrounded by an amazing circle of friends: dear hearts that are leaping and dreaming and inspiring and leading and loving and learning More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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