Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Samantha Pelletier 


Four years ago today, I was on what most would consider a sensible path. I was admitted to a well-respected honors program for university on a full-tuition scholarship, where I started off as a happy double major in English and Psychology with plans on attending law school.

Despite my pride in my academic and personal accomplishments, deep down I had a sense that something was missing. Not surprising, my body gave out on me and my life was quickly turned on its head, leading to a total 360 in how I live, and view, my life. The chronic migraine condition I had been living with since my freshman year of high school spiraled out of control. Towards the end of the semester I missed three finals when I rushed home to be by my Mum’s side after receiving news of her stroke.

Fast forward a year to December 2011. It was almost a month after my Mum’s sudden passing, and I was struggling with wanting to continue on the long trudge to law school while trying to remain close to my family. The Universe, however, had other plans and I am grateful for the change in itinerary.

I awoke one morning with an inexplicable urge to get a Tarot deck. I ended up buying two and those decks started a spiritual sojourn which has radically shifted my perspective on success and happiness. I am now pursuing non-profit work as well as cultivating a career as an intuitive medium and spiritual coach. My plans for the future are radically different and my soul has never been happier.

As I traverse this new path in life, I have learned three things that have helped me move forward, despite my reservations about my youth.

You’re never too young, or old, to follow your dreams, and the insights I’ve gleaned so far have helped keep me following my heart.

  • Lesson One: Hang in there. Being on point in your endeavors requires patience and a willingness to hang tough outside of your comfort zone – even if you feel like you’re hanging on by a thread. Your a-ha moments will come when you’re willing to acknowledge your discomfort and still try to remain calm, if only while you wait for your support system to come bail you out of your sticky situation. As a Scorpio, a perfectionist, and as one of those people who is very much convinced she is an “old soul,” I understand the urge to either barrel and blast your way through because of an instinctual feeling of “having done this before” or to just give up entirely out of frustration. Don’t. Take a step back and realize that savoring your journey, even the bumps in the road, is just as important as you final destination.
  • Lesson Two: Be light-hearted. There isn’t any shame in wearing your heart on your sleeve. There is nothing unseemly or unprofessional about revealing the passions that fuel your desires if they tell your story in a way that emphasizes your dedication and commitment. That being said: don’t get enmeshed in the nasty. Remember that laughter, above all, is the best medicine and one of the most effective ways we have of connecting with others. I don’t care how you do it: dancing, singing, a hobby, watching a stand-up special, just find a way to crack a smile at least once every time you sit down to work. Remember that if you can help make the load a little lighter, or make someone smile just a wee bit brighter, you are honoring the Divine gifts you have been blessed with and paying them forward in the most priceless way possible. 
  • Lesson Three: Take walks. Many of them. Walk away from people and things that aren’t working. Walk away from your comfort zone. Take a walk on the beach to get some clarity and cleanse your soul. Take a walk in nature to remember that you are a child of Mother Earth and the kin of the plants and the animals around you. Take a walk on the wild side to live it up and feel the rush of putting yourself out there for the entire world to watch. Take a walk on a tightrope to master the art of inner balance. Walk a labyrinth to quietly feel the spark of Source that is your soul. Remember that baby steps allow you to take in more of your journey than sprinting through full speed ahead. So take walks – a lot of them – and resist the urge to sprint your way to the finish line.

These are just the core lessons that have really struck a chord with me, as I have learned so much on my own path and I continue to expand my horizons every day. The important thing is to remember that when we enjoy what we’re doing, when we savor its essence and give ourselves permission to be fully present in each moment, we are fulfilling our Divine purpose. Passion, perseverance and a healthy sense of pride in your contributions provide a healthy foundation for moving forward regardless of where your starting line is – all you have to do is show up and be willing to take the journey.


Samantha Sikora-Pelletier is an intuitionist and wisdom woman who uses Tarot and life coaching techniques to help her clients find the peace and confidence to move forward with their questions, relationships and lives. She is the primary host of The Cosmic Switchboard on BlogTalkRadio. You can visit her corner of the internet at

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Samantha! 🙂


P.S. – I’m so excited to share this wonderful free call with you! Craig Hamilton from Integral Enlightenment has put together an amazing virtual seminar called: Activating the Impulse of Evolution: The Simple and Radical Shift that Can Liberate You From the Patterns of the Past and Unlock the Door to an Authentic, Enlightened LifeThe call is this Thursday, 3/14 at 5 pm pst!


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