Honoring Our Sensitivity

I shared something on Facebook yesterday that seems to be striking a chord with many.

It was a post that I was nervous to share – because even though I know that what I’m doing is right for me, I still have that piece that runs very deep within that feels that somehow I should feel bad or guilty for honoring my sensitivity and taking care of my own needs.

Here is the post that I wrote: 

Jodi Chapman

July 26, 2014

As an introvert, I need a lot of time to recharge after being “on” More

I Deserve To Be Happy (And So Do You)

Several years ago, I read a book by Gay Hendricks called The Big Leap. In it, I was introduced to what he called our “Upper Limit Problem.”

He explains how each of us has an inner thermostat that determines how much goodness we will allow ourselves (such as love, happiness, positive feelings, etc.).

So what happens is when we go over our limit, we subconsciously bring ourselves back down in order to get back to our comfort zone. He goes on to say how our upper limit is usually set in More

Taking My Own Medicine

Oh, this soul of mine is something else. It just doesn’t give up. No matter how much I ignore it or try to silence it or stuff its voice deep down, it always comes back – always with loving persistence.

Several years ago, I started down this path of listening to my soul and helping others do the same. I had many conversations with someone on the other side who said this was my life’s calling. Those conversations were followed by More

Letting Go and Saying No

I was watching Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday a month or so ago, which is one of my favorite TV shows. In it, she was interviewing John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods. While I take away little nuggets of truth each time I watch an episode, I had no idea that this particular interview would profoundly change my life.

While the entire interview was wonderful, one particular part stuck with me. He shared that while he was in college, he was taking a class where one of the assignments was to read More

Love Will Conquer All

The night before the Soulful Life Sanctuary opened, I was feeling extremely stressed. I was trying to make everything perfect – trying to get it all just right. I was worrying about not having enough time – wondering if I needed more time before it opened. I was afraid that it somehow wasn’t going to be enough – if only I could have a few more weeks to add even more and perfect it even more and make it that much better…

I was quickly spiraling downward to the point More

Free Soul Clarity Message + the Sanctuary is Here!

***Thank you so much to everyone who participated this month! I’ll be back to do more readings on August 1st!***

Happy July! It’s that time again where I’ll pull one Soul Clarity Card for each person who leaves a comment below!

I do this on the first day of every month, and it’s always so much fun to offer these messages straight from my soul to yours.

Before we start the messages, I wanted to share some exciting news!

The Soulful Life Sanctuary opens today at 10 am pst! (Yay!)

This More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

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