250 faces with flower copyI have spent the last few days sort of up in the clouds – in a dream-like state. Have you ever been on the cusp of bringing one of your dreams to life and needed to be still for a moment to take it all in? That’s where I am right now. And it’s such a mix of excitement, elation, anticipation, gratitude, fear, nervousness, restlessness, awe, and pure joy. Yes, all of that. 🙂

I always love to hear about the inner workings of how dreams come to be. Sort of like getting a snapshot inside someone’s heart and mind for a moment. For that reason, I wanted to share some of my own journey with creating the Soulful Life Sanctuary to give you an honest and completely authentic look into how this went from simply an idea to a beautiful dream that comes true in just a few days!

I had the idea for the sanctuary over a year ago. My soul asked me to do it – it said that this was so needed – not just for me but for so many others. And while I thought it was a lovely idea that sparked something deep within me, I resisted moving forward with it. I thought that it would be too big – too much – too overwhelming. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to pull off such a huge undertaking and bring it to life in the way it deserved. So I put it on the backburner and focused on other things. Except the whispers wouldn’t stop – I kept hearing a nagging voice asking me to get back to it. I kept hearing that it was needed – that it was time – that others were waiting.

And my mind continued to give so many reasons why it wasn’t a good idea. It said that we were all too busy as it was – the last thing we needed to do was join something new. It said that by creating this, I wouldn’t be taking away from the overwhelm – I would be adding to it. It said that I was too busy to devote the time to it. I had just lost my sweet dog-ter and was in deep grief, and it said that I needed more time to heal and didn’t need to be taking on anything new. I listened to these reasons. I heard them. And I backed away from creating the sanctuary because of them. 

But there were moments when my soul would sort of sneak through – when my mind wasn’t paying attention. And it would post things on Facebook or here on the blog saying that the sanctuary was coming soon. And I would step back and wonder where that came from. And I would wonder if I should take the update down. But I just couldn’t bring myself to remove it. I felt on such a deep level that this sanctuary was needed and remembered that my soul didn’t get this emphatic about something unless it was really important.

And so eventually I started slowly – very slowly – thinking about what kind of place I wanted to create. What kind of space would my own soul want to spend time in? Where would I want to go to connect and heal and slow down and get in touch with my inner self? Who would I want to spend time with – what kind of sacred space would I want to go to? 

And I began to see and feel on such a deep level how needed this community truly was – not just for me but for others as well. In my own conversations with beautiful souls over the years, I could sense that we’re all longing for connection – to ourselves, to each other, and to the world. We are so busy and overscheduled and overwhelmed that we’ve forgotten about presence and self care and deep connections and inner knowing and all of the things that truly matter. We’ve pushed them aside for the sake of finishing a project or making dinner or checking off something more on the to-do list. And we ended up missing along the way. 

That made me really sad to think about – I knew that I could relate to this way of living. And even though I had my own doubts about whether I would be able to create something so vast and whether I would truly be able to handle all of the responsibility that came with it, I knew that it wasn’t about me. My own reasons for not doing it weren’t enough anymore.

It was about us. It was about connecting. It was about giving each of us a space where we truly mattered. Where we really felt on a deep level that we were worthy. That making this time for ourselves – to go within, to grow, to expand, to get grounded, and to connect authentically with others who know how important this all is – matters so, so much. That’s what it was about.

And when I reached that deep level in my heart – when I dropped deep beneath my own excuses and fears and insecurities – I realized that this was a dream that needed to be brought to life. My own soul was begging me to bring it to life, and a few months ago I finally stepped up and stopped resisting these urges. I stopped making excuses and surrendered to my soul.

I began creating it. And I began to invite others to join me on this journey. But I still wasn’t sure if anyone would show up. I wasn’t sure if anyone would see how important it is. I wasn’t sure if we would be willing to take the time for ourselves and for each other.

Thankfully they did show up. They are still showing up. And hopefully many more will continue to show up.

I am always so amazed when I start to doubt myself or others that I always receive such beautiful evidence that I’m not alone – that there are so many out there who get it – who get me – who are on the same page and see the importance of a space such as this.

Whenever my soul asks me to do something, it seems that my first line of defense is always my mind offering excuses or feeling inconvenienced or not wanting to go out of its comfort zone. And then, after some time passes and I get used to the idea, I allow the whispers to flow through me. I allow myself to stop resisting and allow myself to be a messenger – to trust my soul and the universe and the love behind it all. So that’s what I’m doing. 🙂

And it doesn’t mean that my fears have gone away – absolutely not. It just means that my faith is in the driver’s seat. It means that I am putting my own “stuff” aside in order to bring something that I truly think is needed into the world.

I absolutely know it’s needed because I’ve experienced (and continue to experience) how listening to my soul and being surrounded by others who are doing the same changes lives. It’s changed my life in every possible way. And I’m so happy to have created a space for others to experience that as well.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I would love for you to watch this video that I recorded for the sanctuary. In it, I share why it matters. Why joining it is not just another thing to do – why giving ourselves this space is so, so important.

(If you are reading this via email, please click here to watch the video.)

If you haven’t already joined us, I sure hope you will. The doors open in just a few days (on July 1st), and the special $100 discount ends on June 30th.

It’s going to be such an amazing space. And I can’t wait to see you inside!

Click here to learn all about it and join!

If you have any questions, please email me here: support@soulfullifesanctuary.com.



P.S. – If the only reason you aren’t joining the sanctuary is because of money, please email me privately (support@soulfullifesanctuary.com) so we can work something out. There are so many options that we can come up with – such as receiving from the Angel Fund or extending your payments. Let’s figure it out together!

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