
I went away this past weekend to give myself time to go within, clear my head, talk to my soul, and just BE.

To be completely honest, my intention with this mini retreat was to do all of the above-mentioned things, but also to make some headway on the upcoming Soulful Life Sanctuary, which is opening on July 1st. I wanted to get clear about what it was that I was creating and get grounded in it so that it would have a solid foundation before I began sharing it with the world.

But something strange happened while I was in the hotel room: all I wanted to do was draw spirals. 

Let me back up a little bit: A few weeks ago, I had this strange urge to find a spiral making kit. You may remember these from when you were younger – they have grids and circles that go around the grids, and you can make all sorts of fun spiral designs with them. (Here’s an example of one to give you an idea.) I was having an extra sad day (still grieving over my sweet dog-ter, Xena, who passed away in December), and my soul was urging me to go get one of these kits. So my sweetie, Dan, and I headed out to the bookstore where we found the perfect one.

And my time in the hotel was the first chance that I gave myself to really dive in and see what designs came out. So I drew. And I drew. And I drew some more. At first, I couldn’t draw them fast enough – I was so happy to be creating something, and I wanted to create more and more and more.

And then, I settled into it. Round and round and round the circles went around the grids. Round and round and round the pens drew beautiful designs. And while I loved seeing what was created, I was finding that the process itself was so calming.

As you may have read throughout this blog over the years, I have struggled with meditation. I feel called to do it, but it’s honestly like pulling teeth to get me to sit down and actually do it. However, drawing these spirals gave my mind something repetitive to do while my soul could just BE. It gave me something to focus on (similar to the breath in sitting meditation), so that I could get in touch with the present moment. And it was amazing.

circle5Without even realizing it at the time, I now see that I was spiraling my way back to me. With each spiral that I drew, I uncovered a layer that was between me and my soul.
And in taking the time to create these spirals, I was giving myself the gift of stillness and the gift of presence. The only thing that I was thinking about was the pen going round and round. Or what color to use next. Or what grid to try out.

That was all.

Everything that I thought I would be focusing on during my time in the hotel seemed completely secondary next to this time in the present moment – this time of complete focus. This time with my soul.

I was telling my mom about these spirals yesterday, and she said that I used to love drawing these as a child. That I used to spend hours in my room creating spiral after spiral. And while I don’t remember that at all, it’s somehow comforting to know that I’m getting back to me. That I listened to my soul, and it led me to me in a fun, creative way.

Meditating can take so many different forms. Soul work can show up in so many different ways. This is how it’s showing up for me. And I’m sure it will show up for you in its own unique way. And it’s up to us to listen to our soul’s whispers and take action.

If you’re being asked to spend time in nature, go. If you’re being asked to sit still, sit. If you’re being asked to create something, create. If you’re being asked to dance, dance. If you’re being asked to laugh, laugh.

Whatever your soul is asking of you, please pay attention. It’s so important. Because these whispers will lead you back to you. And that’s a pretty amazing space to be in. I truly wish that for each of us.

And after all of these spirals were drawn, I did spend some time creating the Soulful Life Sanctuary. So it all worked out – just not quite in the way I thought it would. In an even better way. 🙂

Here are a few of the spirals that I drew. (You can click on them to enlarge them.):

circle-1  circle4

circle6 circle

I would love to hear how you’re coming home to yourself, too! Please feel free to share in the comments below. 






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