
I absolutely love the Soulful Shout Out series here on Soul Speak! I get to highlight and introduce you to beautiful people and their wonderful offerings!

I love connecting people and sharing products that I love, and so I’m just thrilled to be able to do that each week with you here.

If you would like your product/website/service promoted here, please click here to read the details and then email me to apply. (I take what I share very seriously and will only share products and services that I am in alignment with.) Please note that we’re scheduling into May – so be sure to reserve your space soon!

And now, let’s get to this week’s beautiful soul and his inspiring offerings!


Me for Page (214x195) (2)This week, I am featuring Ashton Aiden from Brainwave Love!

Ashton and I met online several months ago when he became a monthly sponsor here on Soul Speak. I began reading his blogs and really enjoy his positive approach to life. He has such a sweet soul, and I’m so happy for you to meet him!

He is giving everyone a free 45-minute brain entrainment meditation! (We’ll talk more about what that is coming up!) For now, I’m happy for you to learn more about him! 🙂

Welcome, Ashton! 

You do so much to support people in slowing down and living their best lives. I would love for you to share how you found your calling and how you took steps to make it your reality!

Sure! I was always that kid who had a lot of questions.  Even at a very young age, in a traditionally religious family, I wanted to know “why” about everything.  Why did religions have all these rules?  Why would God send us to a bad place if we displeased him?  I wanted to know why all these grown-ups had decided life had to be the way it was.

In my very early teens, I realized quite fully that authority was not to be blindly followed.  This left me jaded for a while, and my distrust of authority eventually led me into a lot of trouble.  At the peak of this trouble I found myself going to court and facing a potential prison sentence.  This ended up being a blessing in disguise, because it was the real push I needed to take a serious look at my life path and where it was going.

Eventually, this led me to seek answers for myself.  My very first spiritual book, called The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, really blew my mind wide open to all kinds of new possibilities: my first ideas about Oneness and unity, manifestation with the mind, emotional healing, healthier ways of treating the human body, extraterrestrials, etc.  I took this new perspective and ran full-speed ahead.  It was like food for my starving soul at the time.  I knew a common denominator to ALL spiritual growth was meditation, so I started there, which led me to brainwave entrainment.  I was quite dedicated and got very quick results from meditating on a daily basis.

My real pivotal realization was that what I had learned could help other people live happier lives.  Not too many people were so open to this type of stuff in my personal life, but the few who were were really able to take what I had to share and make real changes in their life.  Even the less dramatic experiences of being able to help people in this way gave me such a sense of fulfillment, a feeling that my life was really meaningful.

So, in a nutshell, I’ve been working to grow that sense of fulfillment.  It feels good to think that your life can leave people happier for you having been there, and maybe even the world a little bit better place for you having lived.  So that’s where came from –  my simple desire to share what I know with other people.  

We both believe that our life becomes what we think about and focus on consistently. Can you share some examples from your own life of how you’ve consciously manifested your heart’s desires?

My first real experience of manifestation came about in a very broad sense.  When I first started meditating regularly, and also working with my energy body through Rebirthing Breathwork, the first thing I noticed was that I felt one million times better emotionally.

At the time, with how my life had been going in the past – me being unhappy and depressed most of the time, painfully shy and uncomfortable in my own skin, physically drained and prone to get sick all the time – just feeling GOOD was more than enough.  I wasn’t too worried about making lots of money or setting and achieving goals.  I was just thinking “Wow!  I finally feel good!  I want to keep this going!”

But within a few months, without me even trying, my life made a dramatic positive change in every area.  I made new, more supportive friends, I started kicking arse at work and exceeding all the requirements and goals they had for me, and I very naturally found an awesome girl to spend time with and be close to.  And it was all completely natural and effortless!  It just flowed from my new state of being happy and balanced.  

So my first lesson was very simple: feeling good = manifestation of positive life experiences.

I learned more about intentional manifestation as time went on.  This took me more time and experimentation.  

One of my most successful manifestations was my first house.  I decided I wanted to become a homeowner when I was 22 years old.  When you looked at my income at the time, compared to the monthly mortgage payments necessary, you wouldn’t think that it was possible.  But I KNEW that if I wanted it, if I intended it, the universe would make it work for me.  So I just went full speed ahead: ready, fire, aim!  I found a realtor and just started looking at homes, imagining myself in them, imagining the details, and really the big thing is that I completely shut any doubt out of my mind.  I was just having fun, being excited about it.  

When I found my home it was one of the most ideal situations you could have found for my price range.  When it came to the financial details, it just so happened that I had just the right amount of money and income.  I just happened to have two friends who wanted to move in with me and share the rent at that exact time.  It all worked out so flawlessly and easily.  That’s when you really know you’re manifesting, when it just works out so effortlessly.  It’s all flow.  It’s like a fun game instead of a struggle or work.  

For those reading this who are feeling stuck in their life – either spiritually, financially, or relationship-wise – can you share some tips that you would recommend to help them move forward?

Absolutely.  The first thing I would recommend to anyone, no matter what their particular situation or struggle is, is to first find something, anything, that can give them a sense of joy, peace, relaxation, or happiness. It can be a hobby, service to others, or a spiritual practice (I highly recommend meditation for this) – really anything as long as it’s healthy, honest, and “good.”  And do this every day.  Lose yourself in it.  Make it a priority to let yourself feel good for this amount of time every day.  Make it a habit.  This space you create for yourself to feel good will very quickly start manifesting, and will also give you a time when inspiration can come to you.  Also, you will begin to train the brain, body, and unconscious mind to feel good more often, which will have a rippling effect.

Also, I urge everyone to learn how to cleanse and balance the electromagnetic energy of their body.  One of my most influential mentors has always said “the energy body can oftentimes clean the mind faster than the mind can clean the mind.”  It’s really a miracle that working with your energy body can lead to significant improvements in your mood, mental state, energy level, and manifested experience, regardless of how much mental discipline or concentration you have at the time.  Practices like pranayama yoga, rebirthing breathwork, EFT, taking long baths on a regular basis, or sitting by an open flame a few times a week really give you fast results and are simple and easy to do no matter where you are mentally, physically, or emotionally. And energy work like this affects your being at all levels: emotionally, mentally, and physically.  

Really I’m all about learning the basics first.  Learn how to breathe properly and efficiently, learn how to relax fully and do it on a regular basis.  Learn to cultivate mental stillness.  Start with the simple things, because every little thing you do repeatedly adds up and affects your creation of the life you live.   

We both are huge advocates of living as much as we can in the present moment. What are some tools that you use to help you stay in that peaceful, life-filled place?

My favorite method for staying in the present is daily meditation.  I find that if I meditate regularly, even for a short amount of time, it seems to flex and build that “muscle” of being able to silence the mind, drop the stories about past and future, and maintain that stillness that is the hallmark of being fully present.  Really, one could describe meditation as the practice of being fully present and self-aware, so the more you practice it, the easier it becomes to maintain that awareness.

My other favorite tool to use in the moment is the breath.  I particularly like the 20 connected breaths breathing exercise (you can find many demonstrations of this on YouTube), as it focuses your attention and also pulls fresh energy, or prana, into your body.  But there are several different pranayama yoga breathing exercises out there that enable someone to master their energy.  Or even just stopping for a few seconds to relax….inhale….exhale…. take a few deep breaths….really makes a difference.  Really I think that this is a huge key – managing and mastering the energy flow through the breath.  The more energy we have, the easier it is to stay present and in a pleasurable state of mind.

For those who are just now being introduced to Brainwave Entrainment, could you share what that is and why it’s so beneficial?

I would love to! Brainwave entrainment utilizes what is known as the “frequency following response.”  Basically, when you expose the brain (through the faculty of hearing) to a consistent frequency, or rhythmic beat, it naturally begins to match that particular frequency.  For example, if you listen to a consistent beat of 9hz, the brain will begin to resonate with that 9hz frequency.  When the brainwaves are resonating at 9hz, one is in the alpha brainwave state, which gives rise to deep relaxation, increased serotonin production, improved memory retention and learning faculties, etc.  This is also what you would call a mild trance or meditative state.  

The benefits of brainwave entrainment are numerous.  The most amazing thing about this technology is that it allows someone the ability to access deep brainwave states that in the past were only reachable through years and years of daily, disciplined meditation.  By just putting on headphones and closing their eyes, someone can reach the same brainwave state that a 20-year Buddhist monk reaches when they meditate.  This alone has staggering implications.  Meditation this deep leads to all kinds of positive changes in the brain and body chemistry.  It increases the production of healthy and positive endorphins, it rewires the nervous system to be more relaxed and healthy, which in turn boosts the immune system and energy levels.  It increases IQ and builds up extra grey matter in the brain.  But even more than this, it leads to profound spiritual growth.  These deep brainwave states give one access to their unconscious.  In a real sense, they bridge that seemingly huge gap between the conscious, unconscious, and superconscious minds.  When this gap begins to bridge there is profound change in one’s ability to create their reality, and connect with higher spiritual truths – the truths that allow one to be fully at peace with themselves and their life.

And again, the reason I get so excited about it is, really, all you have to do is sit with your eyes closed, relax, and listen to an audio with peaceful music or nature sounds.  How much easier can it get? 

meditationJodi Banner 200x200 - 2 (Copy)I think it’s so wonderful that you’re giving everyone a 45-minute Great Beyond Belief brain entrainment meditation! Please tell us more about what we can expect after listening to it.

This audio is great because I designed it intentionally to just help you feel GOOD.  So really, above where I’m giving the advice to set aside the time every day to let yourself feel good, that could just be you listening to this audio every day.

This particular one takes you through the full range of delta, starting you out for a few minutes at a frequency that grounds you, promotes feelings of clear-headed relaxation, and helps the brain become more receptive to going deeper.  It brings you a little deeper to a specific frequency range that helps the brain produce more serotonin (which will help you feel good physically and emotionally, and will also help you deeply relax).  At the end it takes you to the very bottom of the alpha range, where you can really relax and get into a nice, tranquil state.  

So the overall intention of this audio is to help you relax deeply and get a real sense of mental, emotional, physical peace and well-being.

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Congratulations on your upcoming meditation program, The Missing Link! I would love for you to share more about it with us! Who is it for, and what do you hope everyone will take into their hearts after completing it?

Thank you, Jodi!  This program is really for anyone who’s reaching for more peace, fulfillment, or success in their life.  It’s both for someone who wants to experience their full spiritual potential and for someone who wants to learn to manifest money, an amazing relationship, or a dream house into their life.  It’s for anyone looking to make a turnaround in their life, and it’s also for those who have already created a good life for themselves and want to learn to manifest more powerfully.   

I have found that a lot of self-improvement/law-of-attraction products and programs are only working for some people.  Some people get the information and practices and excel to create their wildest dreams.  And yet some people, despite their consistent efforts and dedication, are still not making those big shifts in their life.  Truthfully, I think some of this is due to the “fast-food approach” that some marketers use in this genre.  This stuff can take some time.  It’s like martial arts of the mind.  You can’t become a black belt in two weeks.  It doesn’t matter how amazing the product is.  Though manifestation is pretty magical, it also operates under certain laws of nature, like anything else.  

But the HUGE issue that I am addressing with this program is that many products/programs/teachings are missing a crucial step, at the very foundation.  This is why I decided to name the program “The Missing Link.”  There is a level that goes deeper than thought control, deeper than emotional mastery, deeper even than reprogramming beliefs or the unconscious mind.  This deepest level is IDENTITY.  One’s most fundamental idea about who or what they are, and how they fit in to the big picture of life.  This level gets quite esoteric and abstract, spiritual you could say.  And from this level flows everything else: beliefs, thoughts, emotion, experience, etc.

Once one is able to have a real experience of their transcendental self – their real self – they tap into a vibration that manifests amazingly positive results into their life.  This vibration is so powerful because it’s founded in reality.  The experience of it is so real and profound that it affects the mind far more powerfully than thoughts or belief.  It’s beyond belief.    

So, basically, this program is about working at the deepest level of identity.  It uses an all-encompassing combination of powerful energy body practices, meditation with brainwave entrainment technology, and some very unique and interesting practices that I specifically created to help loosen people’s identification with the smaller, limited self, and strengthen their identity with their expansive self that is at One with everything.  It’s a step-by-step, seven-month program, and it comes with a detailed guidebook, monthly videos, and support letters to really give people full support and guidance as they progress through it.

It’s really the best thing I have created to date, and I’m unbelievably excited to release it to the public.  It will enable people to really amp up their mental power and ability to manifest positive experiences in their life.  But more than that, it will also help people get in touch with a very tangible, experiential, spiritual reality.

(You can click here to be notified when this program becomes available!)

What’s next on the horizon for you?

The truth is I’ve been so focused on this program that I haven’t given that too much thought.  This work has flowed so much from inspiration that I haven’t had to plan ahead too much as of yet.  It just kind of progresses on its own.

What’s most important to me is my own spiritual progress.  So the one thing I know is that my future will always include my personal spiritual practices: meditation, energy work, and yoga.  If it is in the cards for me to continue to create products and work through Brainwave Love, then I am sure the universe will continue to nudge me to do so.  Either way, I can trust that life will lead me to where I am supposed to be.  

What does your soul want you to know?

That’s a fantastic question.  I greatly appreciate you asking.

I think more than anything my soul wants me to know that I don’t have to try to do or be anything.  Just being myself allows me to give the rest of life the greatest gift that I was intended to give.  Of all the times I’ve wanted to be something more, or wanted to improve, or wanted to be something different, my greatest peace, fulfillment, and success has always come from just accepting my life and myself as it is right now.

Right alongside with that, I believe my soul wants me to know that I’m supported at every step.  Life is conspiring to help me succeed and be happy.  All I need to do is let go and trust, and life will take care of the rest for me.  God is at the wheel, not me.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I wanted to say that I am currently looking for partners right now to help me get the word out about this program.  If anyone reading this is interested in joining me in bringing this amazing material out to the public, please feel free to contact me.  I also have an affiliate program that you can read more about by clicking here.

Finally, I would love to leave your community with this advice:


I see many people struggling and hurting because they believe that they are the only ones who can navigate through their lives to reach a positive outcome.  We are all control freaks, more than we even realize.  The happiest truth about life is that we are not alone.  We are not left here by ourselves to navigate through all the different details and ups and downs of life.  There is an intelligence behind everything that happens to us, and this intelligence is ALWAYS diligently working to give us the experiences we need to grow and move forward.  And not just to progress, but to be genuinely happy.

The biggest mistake I see people making to block the blessings that life is constantly trying to give them is resisting what is.  We all have such strong ideas about how we think our lives should be.  We have these desired outcomes and specific things that we want to happen to us in any given situation.  The thing to understand is that our human minds can’t even comprehend what the best possible outcome for us it, and when we cling to these desired outcomes with white knuckles, we don’t even see that what is right in front of us is ALWAYS an opportunity for something better.  The universe knows how to give us things that are better than we could even imagine, but in order for us to allow this, we need to stop resisting.  We need to learn to accept the ups and downs in our daily lives with an open mind, and a sense of trust that the universe is here to help us.

If you can learn to do just this, everything else will take care of itself.  True, life is not always puppies, flowers, and blue skies, but even in the harder moments, there is so much love and positive energy here with us, supporting us and pushing us to move further towards our highest potential.

Acceptance is POWERFUL!

Thank you so much for sharing this space with me Jodi!  Blessings to you and your community!

Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us today, Ashton!

Be sure to download Ashton’s free brain entrainment meditation by clicking below!

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Big hug,


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