
I absolutely love the Soulful Shout Out series here on Soul Speak! I get to highlight and introduce you to beautiful people and their wonderful offerings!

I love connecting people and sharing products that I love, and so I’m just thrilled to be able to do that each week with you here.

If you would like your product/website/service promoted here, please click here to read the details and then email me to apply. (I take what I share very seriously and will only share products and services that I am in alignment with.) The spaces are going quickly because the introductory prices are going way up on the 31st, so please keep that in mind when you’re signing up!

***We’re scheduling into April. Please be sure to reserve your space before Jan. 31st while the prices are still low! (You can pay for your space now and use it any time in the future!)***

A huge thank you to everyone who has already done so. You’re all absolutely wonderful, and I am so grateful for each of you.

And now, let’s get to this week’s beautiful soul and her inspiring offerings!

meet tanya

Sleep-Summit-Pix24This week, I am featuring Tanya Penny!

Tanya is a wonderful soul who helps people free themselves of stress and create balanced lives. She is a huge advocate of self care and rest – two things that I definitely could use more of!

Tanya is someone who truly walks her talk. As she’ll share with you, she has been through so much in her life and has been able to see her pain as blessings and inspire others to do the same.

She is offering a free 3-part online class that begins on Feb. 5th, which I highly recommend. (We’ll talk more about at the end!) For now, I’m happy for you to learn more about Tanya! 🙂

Welcome, Tanya! 

You’ve been on such a powerful healing journey. And on that journey, you’ve learned to love yourself, heal your illnesses, and embrace your life. For someone who currently is feeling depressed, ill, or is struggling with their self worth, can you share a bit about where you began your journey and where you are today? (I know that when I’ve been down, it’s always helped me to know that healing was possible.)

I believe my journey of healing actually began when I hit my bottom in 2007.

I had plenty of “dark nights of the soul” before then that I overcame (abusive relationships, struggling with alcohol, etc.), but a huge turning point was when I woke up on a day in September 2007 and couldn’t bring myself to stick the needle in my body again. I had been giving myself shots for the Multiple Sclerosis every other day for three years up until this day and I kept feeling worse, having more symptoms of weakness, pain, depression, and anxiety. A voice inside me said “No! ” that day, and I put the needle down (forever). I was afraid that it wouldn’t be easy, but I knew in my heart there was another way and that I could heal this. I not only began my journey of healing the MS that day, but the weight, anxiety, and depression as well. Today I no longer experience MS symptoms and have maintained my positive body image and healthy weight with relative ease for over six years. Some days I still struggle with anxiety and my inner critic but am able to quickly recognize and shift this voice with the tools that I have learned.

This journey has not been easy, but I realize I was meant to have these struggles and walk this path for a big reason: so I could inspire and support other women to do the same. I feel blessed because I was able to take all of it and turn it into my life’s passion and purpose.

That’s truly amazing, and you’re definitely an inspiration to me! 🙂

For much of my life, I lived as though I were in opposition to my body. I ignored it, mistreated it, and then got mad at it when it got sick or when it couldn’t keep up. It’s only fairly recently that I began to consciously honor my body and thank it for making it possible for me to be a part of this world. What’s your favorite way that you honor your body?  

I, too, abused my body in many ways and got mad at it for not being healthy. The truth was that my body was only letting me know that I was out of balance in my life in so many ways (doing too much, pushing myself mentally and physically, allowing others to walk on me, etc.). I honor my body by listening to it daily and asking it what it needs (rest, nutrition, movement, massage, etc.).

Can you share how taking care of our bodies can lead us to living a life of our dreams?

If our bodies are not healthy it is pretty hard to feel and be energetic and happy, much less live the life of our dreams.  The truth is that if we are sick (mentally or physically) or overweight we must not be fully taking care of ourselves (mentally, physically, and emotionally), or be out of balance in one or more areas of our lives.

Our bodies let us know this by giving us the symptoms or “messengers” of pain, anxiety, depression, weight, or illness.  If we learn how to understand our body’s clues we can then make the necessary changes and have amazing energy, vibrant health, fulfilling relationships, live our purpose, and ultimately the life of our dreams.

We’re all so busy these days, and yet so many of us long to feel centered and more connected to our soul. Can you share one of your favorite ways to relax and ground yourself?

Yes! I use my Therapeutic Meditation Process (T.M.P.) practices daily as a nap/recharge break for 15-30 minutes. These guided practices help me easily release physical, mental, and emotional stress; focus on what I want in life; as well as silence the inner critic if it returns. It is like pushing the reset button! I also listen again at bedtime and they help me sleep more deeply and peacefully. (I also struggled with insomnia for 15+ years.)

We’ve all been in low places before. We’ve all felt depressed and have been ill and beaten down by life in one way or another. For those who are reading this who are feeling this way now, what does your heart most want them to hear right now in this moment? What loving words would you like to offer?

1. Don’t give up. Don’t listen to the inner critic or people that tell you that you can’t heal, and that you will always suffer or struggle with X (fill in the blank with your illness, weight, etc.) for the rest of your life.

2. Do know that you are good enough, strong enough, and always supported.

3. Practice ultimate self-acceptance (thoughts, feelings, emotions) and extreme self-care (You are not selfish.).

4. Find a support system (coach, practitioners, others who understand and will lift you up).

5. Trust yourself to know what is best for you and ask for guidance from your higher self daily (source, God, universe, whatever you call it).

free class

tanya ad vibrant body copy

Tanya is offering a series of 3 virtual classes to help you embrace your body and also embrace your life.

It’s called, “Vibrant Body & Passionate Life Blueprint,” and it begins on Feb. 5th!

Each class is 60 minutes, and you don’t have to be there live – they will be recorded. If you are there live, though, you’ll have the chance to ask Tanya questions!

During This Free Virtual Class Series You’ll:

  • Discover the nine essential keys to creating your vibrant body and passionate life
  • Learn a new heart-centered, mind-body healing approach to release stress, weight, and illness
  • Receive tools to help you easily free yourself from stress, silence your inner critic, and release negative thoughts that are holding you back from living your healthy, passionate life.
  • Discover the underlying cause(s) of your anxiety, depression, weight, or illness
  • Attend 3 live 60-minute virtual classes and have the opportunity to get all your burning questions answered in a live Q&A coaching session with Tanya!

This FREE Class Series is For You If…

  • You often feel stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted, and yearn for more life balance.
  • You have a chronic illness (Multiple Sclerosis, fibromyalgia, etc.), and are searching for an alternative approach to healing it
  • You have trouble quieting your mind or silencing your inner critic
  • You’ve been struggling with weight, eating disorders, or body shame and know there is a deeper reason why
  • You feel depressed, lost, or stuck in life and know there is more waiting for you

You can get all the details and register here!

I asked Tanya to share what she hopes you will take away after taking part in her classes. How she hopes that you’ll feel. And what she hopes will be different in your life.

Here’s what she said:

My hope is that you feel inspired and empowered to start or continue your journey to health and healing. For you to take away a new awareness as to why you have been struggling with illness, weight, pain, or anxiety, as well as tools to start using right away to shift your into health and continue your journey of healing.

I will help you discover the underlying cause(s) so you can make lasting changes and move towards having that vibrant body and passionate life you have been dreaming of.  

Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us today, Tanya!

For everyone who’s reading – be sure to sign up for Tanya’s free class! It sounds like a loving way to honor your body and your soul. It starts on Feb. 5th!


Please spread the love and share this post on Facebook and Twitter!

Big hug,


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