i-am-loveWhen I sit down to write a post, I never know where it’s going to go. Similarly, when I sit down to create printable art, I let my mind step out of the way and invite my soul to create it.

I drew this flower and thought that I would fill each petal with positive words – words that describe our essence and our soul. So when we printed it out, we could look at it and feel uplifted by these words and take them into our hearts.

My soul, however, had a different plan. My soul wanted you to know that these words that we use to describe ourselves (giving, soulful, warm, sensitive, intuitive, joyful, happy, etc.) all have one thing in common: they all are rooted in love. Because we are all rooted in love. It’s what we’re made from. It’s what surrounds us. It’s what’s at our core. It’s what flows through us. It’s what connects all of us. It’s what we are.

And my soul wanted to fill each of us with love. To let each of us know that we are love. Plain and simple. Yes, all of those others words that we sometimes use to describe ourselves are great. But at our core, there is only one word. And that word is love.

That’s really who we are.

And I love being reminded of that. 

I created this printable poster to help remind all of us how we are made of love, filled with love, are surrounded by love, and are love. 

(You can click on the poster and then print it out. It is saved at high resolution and measures 8×10.) Enjoy!

i am love

Please help spread the love by sharing this on Facebook and Twitter!




P.S. – I’m SO excited to introduce the Blog with Heart Award!

This award will honor 50 bloggers who bravely share from their hearts.

I want to meet anyone and everyone who is bravely putting their soul into their blog – inspiring others to do the same. I feel really blessed that I have been able to receive so much beautiful exposure for my blog, and I wanted to create a space to give others the opportunity to showcase their hearts (and their blogs)!

If this sounds like you, or if it sounds like someone you know, please nominate them by clicking here!

Receiving recognition for being a heart-based blogger is amazing! And receiving just 3 nominations will get you on the list where everyone can click on it and check it out! It’s such great exposure for all of your blogs! And it’s a great way for us to meet new bloggers. Plus, I’m even giving away some prizes to the top winners! So much fun!

You can click here to join us!

(The nominations are coming in so quickly, which is so heartwarming to see! In just 24 hours of announcing this award, over 50 blogs had already been nominated! Yay – keep them coming! I know we’re just scratching the surface.)

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