loveLove is the answer.

To everything.

If you’re hurt in any way, offer yourself love, receive love, be love. You’ll immediately begin to feel better.

If you’re feeling alone, open your heart and let love in. I promise, your life will feel fuller.

If you’re afraid, bravely leap into love. Fear can’t live in a spirit filled with love. There is no room for it, and it will disappear.

If you’re angry, love your way to forgiveness. Give yourself permission to no longer carry such a heavy weight.

Love is the answer. To everything.

It truly is.

Love makes it all possible. It’s the smile on another’s face when you look into their eyes and see them – truly see them for the first time. It’s the light in the center of all of the darkness. It’s the tunnel through the fear.

Love is everywhere in everything.

Love is living and breathing. It’s endless and vast. It’s in you and me and us.


Love is the answer.

♥ Love is

To your sadness. To your sorrow. To your despair. To your heartache. To your fear. To your anger. To your apathy. To your insecurity. To your emptiness. To your numbness. 


Love is the answer.

♥  Love is.

It’s the light and the heart and the soul and the spirit and the universe and the joy all wrapped up into something amazing and infinite and good and here and there and everywhere.


Love is the answer.

♥  Love is.

It can be felt and seen and heard and experienced and lived. It can.


♥  Love is.

It truly is.

The answer to everything and the answer for everyone. 


Are you ready to let it in? Embrace it? Accept it? Receive it? Offer it? Live it? 

Let it flow into you and through you and out of you? 

Are you?


Love is life.

And life is love.

♥  It is.


Love is truly the answer. And it’s all up to you.

Please allow yourself to let love into your heart and into your life. Please give it and embrace it and live it. You are so deserving of love. You truly are.

Please help spread the love by sharing this on Facebook and Twitter.



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