let-it-go1Have you ever noticed that sometimes beautiful lessons can hide in a seemingly hurtful and negative experience? 

I’ll share an example to show you what I mean:

I received an email today that managed to press many buttons deep within my soul. Among many other hurtful words that were said, the main gist of the email was to tell me that I wasn’t running my giveaway on the premise of giving but rather it was just a marketing scheme. And it went on to say that I clearly wasn’t as caring as I portrayed myself to be. (I am celebrating reaching 4,000 likes on Soul Speak’s Facebook page for the next month by hosting weekly giveaways. Over 30 wonderful prizes – totaling over $2500 in value – have been donated, and I am having so much fun putting them together!)

Now, I wouldn’t normally share something so hurtful here, and I’m certainly not doing it to bring all of us down to this negative space. I’m sharing it because we’ve all been pulled into the muck at one point or another in our life. And we’ve all had that moment where we could let it fester and continue the downward spiral of anger and hurt or we could choose to find the gem amidst all of the pain and negativity and learn a valuable lesson from the experience.

To be honest, I was visibly shaken by this email. Thankfully, the negative emails that I receive are few and far between, and most of them tend to roll off of me and immediately get deleted. But this one stuck. This one was quickly making its way to my core, and I needed to stop this infiltration.

So, after I vented my frustration surrounding it (such an important first step), I took some time to go within. I asked myself why this hurt so much. I asked myself to uncover why this particular email carried such a charge for me.

And what I realized was that the words in this email were all a reflection of me – my old beliefs that are still in the process of shifting. I used to give and give and never ask for anything and never accept anything (even if it was offered). I just wanted to give.

Why? Because I love to give, and I didn’t always feel worthy of receiving. I also felt that receiving somehow tainted the giving part. 

It’s true.

Because of my own low self worth, I set the precedence in my professional life that I would give everything away and not accept anything in return. And when I did start charging, I would undervalue my services and underprice my offerings. And this way of living went on for years. And, while I loved giving and creating, I started to get really tired. And while I loved serving others, not filling myself back up was starting to take a toll. And eventually I realized that if I’m going to be here helping others for the rest of my life (which I plan to be), then the way I did things was going to have to change.

I was going to need to learn how to receive. I was going to need to balance giving and receiving. I was going to have to start charging what I believed I was worth. And start pricing my products what they were worth. And when I gave things away, I was going to have to start making it a win-win-win for everyone (the winner, the giver, and me).

Which is exactly what I did. And, for the most part, things began to flow – energy out, energy in. Giving, receiving. It was all a beautiful exchange, and it felt so good to honor myself in this way.

So this morning when I received the email that complained that I was simply doing my giveaway as a marketing scheme rather than to be of service, it really hit me in the gut.

In my mind, I knew that I set up the giveaway according to Facebook’s rules. And, to complete the giving/receiving energetic circle, I made it so each entry would also be subscribed to my mailing list, and they could unsubscribe at any time (I saw it as a win-win-win.) So many beautiful souls are entering for amazing prizes. So many giving hearts have donated soulful prizes. And I get to connect everyone together in the spirit of giving, which I love.

But in my heart (and the reason why the email hurt so much), I realized that a small part of me felt that my receiving somehow tainted the giveaway – that somehow I shouldn’t want or need to receive (even though I am running a business – a heart-based business, but still a business). And it reminded me that it’s a good idea for me to continue going within and being conscious of this whole receiving piece of the puzzle. I want to continue loving myself and knowing that it’s okay to receive.

It also taught me that my deep need to please everyone just isn’t possible, and so it’s time to let that go. And finally, I learned that I get to choose who to attach my energy to – those who love, appreciate, and understand me or those who don’t. And so I’m choosing to send this person who wrote the email love and light, and then I’m going back to my tribe – to those who know that I always come from my heart – those who lift me up rather than tear me down. And there are so many of you. For every 1 email that I receive that’s negative, I receive at least 99 that are loving and sweet. And that’s what I want to focus on and let my gratitude expand around.

I am so grateful to be surrounded by such a loving community. I feel like I am constantly in a cocoon of your love, and so when something comes into that cocoon that isn’t love-filled, it takes me a moment to react and respond and reflect.

Having done so today, I can truly say that I’m thankful for this email. It helped me see where I would like to continue growing and who and what I would like to focus on.

How about you?

Have you been through a hard experience lately – something that felt negative, but you were able to pull a beautiful lesson from it?

I would love to hear more about it. 

Because if we can pull gems out of the muck of life, just imagine how much goodness we can pull from the positive experiences!

Please help spread the love by sharing this on Facebook and Twitter!



P.S. – Speaking of giveaways, I have 2 great ones to share with you! 😉


1. The giveaway on my Facebook page – all month long, there will always be 2-3 to enter! You can enter by clicking on the Giveaway tabs on the Facebook page. Over $2500 in prizes have been donated! 🙂

best life july2. My husband, Dan, and I created an ecourse called Soulful Love: Manifest Your Ideal Relationship, and it’s free for the next week! It’s part of the Your Best Life Gifts Giveaway, and you can download it along with 6 other great gifts – all to help you manifest your ideal life! They are only available until the 31st, so be sure to grab them before then. Click here to see all of the gifts!

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