truthI promised myself that I would always show up here authentically and vulnerably, and I felt that a video was the purest way that I could convey to you a message that I received a couple of days ago from the universe to stop resisting life.

If you have been feeling like your life isn’t flowing, I hope you’ll watch this video. If you’ve been feeling like fear has overtaken your life, I definitely recommend that you watch this video. If you have been feeling like your life purpose is just too overwhelming or too much to handle, please watch this video.

These are all ways that I’ve been feeling, and I recently was sent a beautiful reminder letting me know that I was creating the struggle. And I could also allow the flow. This was such a timely, powerful message that came exactly when I needed to hear it, and I hope it’s helpful to you as well.

(If you’re reading this via email or a reader, please click here to view the video.)

After receiving this message, I feel so much lighter and back on purpose again. And I now am back on track and will do my best to allow this universe to flow through me from now on – rather than trying to block its energy because of my own fear.

But, even if I do resist it again, I really do know that I’m always loved and supported by this loving universe. We all are. And that’s such a wonderful thing to know and always remember.

I hope you’ll join me in surrendering and trusting and allowing the flow in your life again. This whole resisting thing is just exhausting, right? We definitely have better things to do with our lives – such as live them!

Big hug,






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