balanceHave you ever experienced that moment where you felt that your life was no longer your own? Where you realized that you were so immersed in the day-to-day routine and the “should dos” and the “must dos” and the “don’t forget to dos” that you completely forgot about your own needs and your own desires and your own purpose?

If so, you most likely looked around and felt a bit of resentment (or a lot of resentment), a bit of sadness (or a lot of sadness), and a bit of discontentment (or a lot of discontentment).

But then what?

You’ve now pulled yourself out of the fog of living your life on auto pilot, but what comes next? How do you stop the monotony and the routine that you never wanted to be a part of in the first place? How do you embrace YOU and start living a life that fills you up and makes you happy and that feels like home to you? How do you get back to living your soul’s purpose when you seem to have veered off track?

These are questions that I’ve been grappling with over the last few weeks, and I can tell you that it’s not always pleasant (at least at first) to look around and feel that you’ve gone missing in your own life. Feeling like your life continues to move forward while you’re on sabbatical is a very strange realization. And, frankly, it’s not a way that I want to feel anymore.

So I’ve started making changes. And I’ll continue making them until I feel that the life I’m living and the life I want to be living are one in the same. 

It’s absolutely essential for my soul that I do this, and I invite you to do the same. 

I love my life. Really, I do. I never ever take for granted that I get to make a living doing what I love. I live with my beautiful husband in a nice home with our sweet fuzzy kids. And I spend my days helping others reconnect with their soul through my writing, groups, and guidance.

And that’s amazing. All of it.

But here’s what I’m learning:

It’s only amazing when it’s in balance. And it’s only amazing when I remember why I do what I do. When I get deep down into my soul and remember my purpose and my message and the love that I want to share with others. It’s only when I remember that in order to share this love, I have to first fill myself with love in the form of rest and downtime and absolute balance.

When I remember to do this, all of the love comes flowing right back in. All of the gratitude comes rushing back into my heart. And I am filled with purpose and passion again. 

So if you’re also feeling scattered and pulled in a million different directions and are wondering what’s the point of it all – I would lovingly recommend that you spend some time getting to this deep place within your soul and asking yourself the following questions:

  • Why is it so important that I continue doing what I’m doing – whether it’s writing or healing or sharing, etc.?
  • Why did I start doing it in the first place?
  • How would I feel if I stopped doing it altogether?
  • How willing am I to make changes in my life to get back to this space of love and gratitude and purpose?
  • What are some changes that I can make right now to help merge my current life and my ideal life?

And then stay conscious and keep remembering why it’s important that you share your message, your heart, your soul with others. Keep coming back to remembering why you do it – why you want to do it – why you HAVE to do it. 

For me, I do what I do because I can’t imagine doing anything else. I feel like the universe tapped me on the shoulder and said it was time to share my message:

To live fully, love fully, and help others do the same.

And so I leaped into this calling wholeheartedly – without reservation.

But what I’m learning is that I can share this message with others and also take care of myself at the same time. I had sort of forgotten the self-care piece of the puzzle in my passion to help as many souls as I could. And so I’m now learning that I’m the absolute happiest when my life is balanced – when I spend just as much time going within (writing, reflecting, chilling, reading, being “off”) as I do connecting with others (chatting, guiding, emailing, inspiring, being “on”). 

So, for the last few weeks, I’ve spent time getting clear about what my ideal life looks like. I’ve asked myself how can I share this loving message and support lots of people while still having time to write and go within and honor my own spiritual growth.

And I found that there were several changes that I could make:

  • Mindset changes: letting go of the need to want to do it all and be there for everyone at all times
  • Schedule changes: taking 1-2 weeks off each month where I don’t have any calls/Skype sessions scheduled so that I can create balance and time for writing
  • Administrative changes: beginning the process of hiring an assistant to help me handle the hundreds of daily emails and various tasks that are just too much for one person

And it feels so freeing to admit that I need to make changes. It feels so freeing to admit that I can’t do it all. It feels so freeing to honor my need for just as much yin as yang. And it feels freeing to admit this to all of you. To say that I am still figuring it all out, and I’m doing my best to stay conscious at each step along the way.

I really hope that you’ll also take some time to ask yourself why you do what you do – why it’s important to you. And I also hope that you’ll make whatever changes are necessary to ensure that you can continue sharing your message in a loving, balanced way.

I definitely want you to be living your purpose and sharing that with others. And I’m sure you do, too!

Please help spread the love by sharing this on Facebook and Twitter!



free-giftsP.S. – It’s so exciting to see all of the registrations coming in for the Coming Back to Life Ecourse! There are still some notebooks/notepads left that I’m mailing to the first 20 who register! There’s something extra special about getting mail! Click here to learn more and join us!



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