***This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who entered! You can order Scott’s Best Affirmations Bundle by clicking here***

I love affirmations. I was first (informally) introduced to them as a child – before I even knew what to call them. My parents bought me a tape called, Success for Children, and a pillow speaker. Each night, I would listen to the ocean waves and a very soft voice seeping into my subconscious mind repeating tons of affirmations over and over again about how I would do well in school, succeed beautifully in life, and feel an overall sense of well-being.

At the time, I was far too young to know the impact that affirmations would have on me. I simply was doing what my parents asked me to do. Now, as an adult, I see firsthand the power of our mind and how we can actually reprogram old habits and limiting beliefs by shifting our thoughts from negative to positive. And affirmations are a wonderful tool to help us do that.

My friend, Scott Armstrong, is a master at incorporating affirmations into his daily life! Each time I talk to him, I leave with a new affirmation that he has given me. And they are always so helpful and exactly what I needed to hear.

I asked him to share his thoughts about affirmations with us today. He did that beautifully and also is offering his entire Best Affirmations Bundle for free to one lucky winner! Keep reading to find out how you can enter!


Do you have a favorite “go to” affirmation that has really helped to change your life the most?

I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life.

Can you share a story of how the power of affirmations helped someone you know?

Affirmations have changed my life and many of my clients’ lives. This is one of the reasons I wanted to write the Best Affirmations Handbook and get it out to as many people as possible.

One of my clients in Canada had a major breakthrough with affirmations. Within two weeks of doing his affirmations, he was a different person. He started using the affirmations I gave him and his life was changed forever. He started to attract many amazing things into his life by shifting his negative thoughts into positive ones. As they say: “What you think about is what you bring about.”

In your opinion, what is the best way to use affirmations? Do you write them onto cards and paste them up around your home or do you carry them in your pocket and repeat them out loud several times a day? Also, what role does “feeling” play with being able to internalize affirmations?

The best way to do your affirmations is what feels best for you. Some people like to set a certain time to do them and others say them throughout the day. I have my clients experiment and find out what works best for them.

There are a couple of ways I do my affirmations. You are getting programed all day long from the TV, radio, billboards, newspapers etc. I teach my clients that you have to program yourself for success daily with, what I like to call the “Creative Bombardment” technique with affirmations.

  • The first way is that every morning I do at least 20 minutes of affirmations. I read them and then say them out loud with feeling. (It is important to get the feeling behind your affirmations.)
  • I also have an Affirmation Ticker on my computer screen. So when I am on my computer, I am getting programed by my favorite affirmations.
  • Recording your affirmations is very powerful as well. I have about an hours worth of my affirmations on my phone. I listen to them for about 15-20 minutes each day. (It is important to record your affirmations with enthusiasm.) When you read them and then hear them your subconscious mind starts to believe them and that’s when things start to happen for the good.  New empowering beliefs start to form.

As I mentioned, it is very important to get the feeling behind your affirmations. I like what Neville Goddard says on this subject. He said that “ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling.” No idea can be impressed on the subconscious mind until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad or indifferent – it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious.

Here is one of my favorite quotes:

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.

~Florence Scovel Shinn

 Why do affirmations work so well?

Affirmations work so well because you are in conscious control of your thoughts.  They are a simple, powerful way to transform your life. Anytime you choose to be in conscious control of your thoughts, you are taking the reins back on what you determine to be reality.

Whenever you say or think an affirmation that resonates deeply within you, it becomes the framework that creates the world you see around you. By repeating your affirmations to yourself throughout the day, you are choosing to pave the way towards manifesting the life you most want to have and deserve.

Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day.  That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts a minute.  Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative. Now, we have been taught to think that most of these 51,000 thoughts are “sub-conscious” thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level.  Affirmations actually make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious.

When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over.

Do you use a vision board in addition to saying affirmations?

I do use a vision board, and I recommend it to all my coaching clients. They all have had great success with it.

A vision board is a powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams and goals into reality.  I remind my clients that they can actually “Visualize to Materialize!”

One of my clients had 39 items that she wanted to have on her vision board within one year. At year’s end she had 38 items on her board! The only one she didn’t accomplish was a new car. Not bad for one year!

We both believe in the power of appreciation. When we can live our lives from a space of gratitude, it truly puts everything into perspective. If we’re having a bad day, going back to our gratitude practice can instantly shift things. Can you tell everyone about the role gratitude has played in your own life?

Gratitude has played a big role in my life. As they say when you are grateful you are truly rich. Every morning, I spend at least 5 minutes in gratitude when I first wake up. I don’t let my feet touch the floor until I do this.

I first start by feeling how grateful I am to be alive. I then feel how grateful I am for all my family and friends. Lastly, I feel how grateful I am for all the great experiences I have had in my life.

One of my mentors taught me that you want to get to the point of crying because you are so grateful.

I read a great book that I recommend to all my coaching clients. It is called A Simple Act of Gratitude: How Learning To Say Thank You Changed My Life by John Kralik. This book inspired me to send gratitude/appreciation card each day, which has really helped me center myself in gratitude and appreciation. As of today, I have sent out 250 cards! I challenge you to give this a try. It is a wonderful daily gratitude forming habit.

What does your soul want you to know?

My soul has taught me that everything is just right in this perfectly synchronized universe.  There is no need to worry or have fear. Everything is working out for your highest good and that you are loved more that you will ever know. I am a Miracle.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Yes.  Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself.

Scott is graciously giving away 1 copy of his Affirmation Mindset Bundle!
(Click here to see all that’s included!)

This includes his Best Affirmations Workbook: A 30 Day How-to Guide to Actively Create the Life You Want (pdf and audio) + 21 Sheets filled with powerful affirmations (pdf and audio)! (I have this myself and love it!)

Entering is super easy!

  1. Follow Soul Speak on Facebook.
  2. Leave a comment below sharing your favorite affirmation.  (If you’re reading via a reader or email, please click here to be taken to the post.)

One lucky winner will be chosen randomly on 9/20 at 11:59 pm pst.

Good luck!

Scott is a very giving guy (which I love!), and he’s offering extra goodies away to the first 10 people who order his Affirmation Mindset Bundle! In addition to receiving this amazing bundle, which includes the Best Affirmations Workbook (pdf and audio), you will also receive his complete audio version of his wonderful book, Boston Marathon or Bust + a free 20-minute affirmation strategy session!


You can order it by clicking here. He’ll then get in touch with you right away to set up your phone session and send you his Boston Marathon or Bust Audio Book!

(Full disclosure: I loved Scott’s program so much that I became an affiliate for it.)

P.S. – Less than 3 weeks until the Coming Back to Life Ecourse begins! Receive over $175 in bonus gifts when you sign up! Scott is a contributor, too!

More about the course:

The Coming Back to Life Ecourse is a 6-week journey that begins on 10/1. It is a helping hand, a set of tools, and a community all wrapped up into one loving course to support you when you are feeling numb and unsure of which way to go.

It’s packed with TONS of goodies to help you reconnect and feel alive again – including a 150-page soulful workbook, over 35 contributors, 9 heartfelt guided meditations, over 30 videos, soul artwork, a private Facebook page, and weekly chat sessions!

We all have a light inside of us that shines so brightly, and this beautiful ecourse will help you remove some of the veils that have been covering your light. Isn’t it time you allowed yourself to shine? To live fully? To feel completely alive? Isn’t it time for each of us to allow ourselves to have that?

If your Soul is jumping up and down saying YES, YES, YES…

Then, please join us and register here: https://jodichapman.com/coming-back-to-life-ecourse/

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