This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

I recently connected with Jodi Lebrun – a beautiful soul and gifted Reiki healer. I have always been intrigued by Reiki, but the only thing that I knew about it was that it was a healing energy.

Here is Jodi’s definition of Reiki:

Reiki is an ancient spiritual way of channeling healing energy. It is safe, gentle, and can be learned by anyone. It can best be described as a holistic way to balance, heal, and harmonize your mind, body, and spirit. It is, for me, a way of life. It can be for you also.

Once you are attuned to Reiki you will experience a greater sense of inner peace and well-being. You will feel a sense of connection to the universe and to those around you like never before. You will also become a healer.

I asked her for a session so that I could experience this energy firsthand. She, being the giving spirit that she is, agreed and we spent 30 minutes together last week. (I should say that we weren’t actually together – face to face. She lives in Canada, and I live in Oregon. We weren’t even on Skype together or on the phone together. This was a meeting of our souls – something that transcends the mind and the human body.)

If this is sounding a bit “out there” – I completely get it. I really do. I have been a skeptic most of my life. I also have always had a mind that wants to know how everything works. But, because I have experienced so many miracles in the last couple of years, I now know that there is so much more to our universe than we can even begin to imagine. I’ve seen and felt the magic. And so, even though I wasn’t sure what to expect during our session, I knew that I needed to go into it with an open heart and leave my mind behind for 30 minutes.

What happened was beyond anything that I could’ve imagined. Jodi mentioned that I may feel so relaxed during the session that I would fall asleep. Because I’ve been pushing pretty hard and not getting enough sleep, I told her that this would probably happen. So I put on some soft music, turned off the lights, and laid down. I immediately began to feel a buzzing sensation throughout my entire body, but especially in my hands. I felt like I was vibrating from the inside out. It’s not a feeling that I had ever felt before, yet it was a beautiful feeling – a feeling of aliveness.

I then remember seeing (with eyes closed) my third eye open and a beam of radiant blue light pour out of it and reach way above. It was flowing in both directions – from the sky into me and out of me and toward the sky at the same time. With this light came the most beautiful feeling of peace and serenity and knowing. And then the eye closed and the buzzing stopped. I looked at the clock, and exactly 30 minutes had passed. I sat up and felt wide awake. My mind was completely clear, and my heart was filled with love. My eyes appeared brighter, and my energy was lighter.

I am definitely a believer in reiki healing now. My only wish is to learn how I can tap into this all of the time. I know that it’s possible, and this is a path that I’m excited to step into and learn more about.

Jodi gave me this beautiful gift, and now she wants to give it to you as well!

Jodi is graciously giving away 1 spot in her upcoming Spirited Reiki Ecourse!

Spirited Reiki Level I combines traditional Usui Reiki and exploring your inner creative spirit β€” all at the same time! Jodi has enjoyed Reiki for close to 10 years now and she believes that Reiki starts inside us. If we are at our best, then the Reiki flows at its best!

This ecourse also has a fun twist! Jodi is aΒ  Holistic Health Practitioner and a Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, which means you get to learn the history and theory of Reiki while you paint, write poetry, take a hike, or eat a cupcake!

If you are feeling butterflies in your stomach because you know that this is something you’d like to do, please enter to win a spot β€” the Facebook group opens the end of July and attunements will begin shortly after.

One lucky recipient will receive:

  • A long distance Level I attunement in traditional Usui Reiki
  • A unique 79-page printable manual
  • 30 Days to Self-Healing Journal – filled with inspiring messages, art and journalling prompts, healthy recipes, affirmations, photography prompts, and so much more!
  • Access to the Spirited Reiki Private Facebook group where you will connect with your fellow Reiki students and discuss the Principles of Reiki, hand positions, resources, the use of crystals, your creativity and so much more!
  • Access to the private Spirited Reiki Flickr group where you will be able to share your art with your fellow Healers.
  • Jodi’s guidance and support for the entire 30 days.
  • A Certificate of Completion mailed to your home.

Entering is super easy!

  1. Follow Creative Life by Design and Soul Speak on Facebook.
  2. Leave a comment below sharing why you would like to win this course and how reiki could help you in your own life. (If you’re reading via a reader or email, please click here to be taken to the post.)

One lucky winner will be chosen randomly on 7/26 at 11:59 pm pst.

Good luck!


About Jodi:
Jodi lives in London, ON with her high school sweetheart, Jim, their 4 kids and their Boxer named Kenya. During the week she is a Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach and Reiki Teacher. On the weekends she enjoys painting, sipping Chai tea, growing her own veggies and all things Divine.

She is currently finishing up Spirited Reiki II (watch for it in the Fall of 2012) while plugging away towards her Masters inΒ Spiritual Healing with Reiki Blessings Academy. Please go to her websites to learn more about her: &

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