I probably shouldn’t be here writing this post at this moment when there are so many other things to do and people to attend to and emails to respond to and orders to pack and books to write and other books to edit and e-courses to outline and websites to create and dishes to do and laundry to fold and the list goes on and on…

No, it doesn’t make sense that I am here.
And you know what? It doesn’t have to.


Sometimes our souls beg us to leave all of these to-dos and tasks for a moment and listen to our hearts. Sometimes our inner wisdom knows that taking just a few minutes creating or inspiring or loving is all that we need to fill ourselves up, and then we can get back to it all again.

If you are a recovering people pleaser (like me), this putting ourselves first and leaping when our souls urge us to leap may not come naturally to you. If you are used to dropping everything in order to swoop in and help someone else and make their life better in some way, this concept may seem a bit foreign or even a bit scary to you.

I hear you. Really, I do.

Like right now. My soul has been urging me to write all day long. And I vowed to do so first thing this morning. But, like so many other mornings, the day started with fires that needed to be put out. It’s evening now, and this is the first chance I’ve taken to come back to myself and remember that whisper that asked me to write so many hours ago.

Why is it so hard to take time for ourselves? Why is it so hard to honor ourselves in this way? Why is it so easy to take care of others and to please others and to want to be praised by others and to want others to like us that we give up our own needs in the process?

Well, I don’t know why it’s so hard and why it doesn’t always come naturally, but I do know that we can change this knee-jerk reaction to ignore anything that doesn’t make sense in our lives in order to take care of what does. I do know that we matter. You. Me. All of us.

When our souls urge us to sit or create or move down a path other than the one you thought you were supposed to be on – listen. Take action. This is our life that I’m talking about. And we’re the only one who can stand up for it – protect it – and love it.

  • So no, it probably doesn’t make sense when you come home from a long day and dinner needs to be made and the house needs to be cleaned, and instead you climb into a hot bubble bath and soak for a long while.
  • And it definitely doesn’t make sense when you have at least a million emails to respond to and others waiting to hear back from you to instead turn off your email alerts and escape into your own world of writing.
  • And I’m guessing that it wouldn’t make sense to take an entire day each week that was just for you – where you pampered yourself all day and treated yourself like the beautiful blessing that you are.

Nope. These definitely don’t make any sense at all.
But I still think you should do them anyway.ย 

Am I saying that we should ignore our responsibilities and always follow every whim? Definitely not.

I’m saying that when you are so far out of balance doing for others and doing what you think you should do that you honestly can’t remember the last time you listened to your own soul and your own inner voice and followed that – do something about it. Follow that voice and see where it leads. Let it take you down the path back to yourself. Allow yourself to receive this beautiful gift. You deserve it. And I promise your soul will soar and your heart will overflow when you take this much-needed time for yourself. Just like mine is right now because I took the time to write.

And doesn’t honoring ourselves make sense? I sure think so.



What’s one thing that doesn’t make sense in your life, but you’re going to do it anyway because your soul is urging you to?

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