Each Friday, I choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey.

This week, however, I have a question for each of you! I would love if we could all look within our souls and find the answer to it. If you feel comfortable doing so, please leave you answer below.

Here is the question:

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and moved closer toward your dream?

We are all creatures of habit, and we all like our lives to be comfortable and safe.

But what if your dream is just on the other side of that comfort? What if your life purpose is waiting for you just one leap of faith beyond where you stand right now?

If you knew that were true, would you make any changes in your life?
Would you stretch yourself a little more and risk just a little bit extra to live your ideal life?

I would.

Which is why I made a hotel reservation today. This may not seem like such a big deal to many of you, but it sure is to me. It means that this Sunday, I am going away – I am leaving my family, my home, my business, and all of you for 24 hours. I am putting myself first and taking myself away from anything that can potentially distract me. I am doing this so that I can give myself time and space to write my book. If you’ve been with me for awhile, you know that I am writing about my process of awakening that began last year and continues today. It’s a book that I feel called to write, but it’s also a book that requires me to “go there, be in it, and feel the feelings.” And because being in this space is out of my comfort zone, I have found that if I don’t schedule time and clear my calendar, it simply won’t happen. So this day away is a gift to myself, and hopefully to all of you when my book is written and offered to the world.

Think about your own lives.
What have you done recently that felt like a stretch?
Keep in mind that what feels like a stretch to you may not feel like anything at all to someone else. This isn’t about comparing or judging – it’s about your relationship with your soul. And you are the only one who can truly know when you are stretching.

Did you set clear boundaries with a family member?
Did you give a presentation at work that you were nervous about?
Did you take time for yourself and read a good book when you knew you could’ve been using that time to take care of someone or something else?
Did you decide to go within and take an honest look at your life?

What did you do?

And more importantly, how did it make you feel?

For me, once I made the reservation, I felt nervous and scared. And at the same time, I felt proud and authentic and strong. My soul and ego felt at odds with each other – my soul knew that I needed to break through this fear and start writing again. My ego wasn’t so sure about this and started to feel pressured and nervous about writing the “right” way and writing “enough” and writing a “good” book, etc…

So it’s still up in the air how this will all play out.

But I really believe that stretching is what leads us to our dreams. And it’s completely normal to feel uneasy just before we leap and while we are in the air…but when we come down and land right inside our dream, it will all be worth it. I know that is true.

I can’t wait to hear all about your leaps and stretches! Let’s break free from our comfort zones together!

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