Each Friday, I choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey.

This week I chose a question that we can all answer – it can apply to each of us. I would love if we could all look within our souls and find the answer. If you feel comfortable doing so, I would love for you to leave your answer below.

Here is the question:

I have had a really rough year (financially, physically, and emotionally). Now that the holidays are here, it feels like all of this hardship is being magnified. Is there anything you (or your readers) can suggest to help me beat the holiday blues?

First, I would like to applaud you for reaching out and asking. I can truly empathize with feeling down during the holidays, especially if you’ve had a rough year. You’re exactly right by saying that everything feels magnified. It’s a time when we are supposed to feel happy, but sometimes we just aren’t. Sometimes we are grieving, or stressed, or just plain depressed.

Here are a few loving suggestions to help you through this holiday season:

  1. Treat yourself like a friend. Take time each day to consciously love yourself. Try to allow yourself to feel the entire range of emotions without judging them. Feeling sad is a normal reaction to the rough year you’ve been through. Let it come up. Wrap your arms around yourself. Treat yourself to some TLC – whatever this means for you: take a warm bubble bath, read your favorite book, go see a funny movie, etc.
  2. Don’t push yourself (unless you need a little push). Just because you are invited to holiday parties and events doesn’t mean you have to go. Give yourself permission to withdraw a bit if you truly aren’t in a place to socialize. However, I will say that frequently when I have felt down going out and being around others perked me up.
  3. Volunteer. Sometimes the best thing you can do to shake things up in your own life is to step out of it for a moment and help someone else. Serving others is a wonderful mood booster – and it also is a great way for you to be grateful for everything that is working in your life.
  4. Lean on your friends. True friends will love you no matter what – whether you are happy or sad, they will sit next to you and hold you hand. So reach out to them. Oftentimes when we are feeling down, the last thing we want to do is ask for help – admitting our vulnerabilities can be so scary. I know you’ll feel better if you do though. So call a friend. Hang out. Talk about what you’re going through. And if you can’t think of anyone who could fill this role for you, think outside the box – are you a part of a spiritual group/church? Is there anyone at work that you would feel comfortable talking to? Could you join a group based on a common hobby?
  5. Live in gratitude. When we are down, we tend to focus on what makes us feel this way. However, just by changing that focus (even a tiny bit) from what’s not working in our lives to what is working will actually attract more blessings and things that we can appreciate. Write down 10 things each day that you are thankful for. And as you write them, really take time to feel how grateful you are for each of them.
  6. Laugh. We all need laughter – it releases so much pain and sadness and immediately we begin to feel lighter. Try to surround yourself with humor – friends who make you laugh, a funny movie, music, dancing. Just being goofy is a great way to get your funny bone working again. And if you are aren’t quite ready to laugh yet, you can start by smiling and go from there. 🙂

I truly hope these suggestions are helpful. They are just a starting point though. I am hopeful that everyone who reads this will add a comment of their own. I know that there are so many ways to embrace this time of the year – remembering that it’s about joy, love, and community is a start. And knowing that you are worth each of these things is a way toward beating the blues. Sending you a big fat hug!

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