When I first started writing, I purposefully didn’t read other blogs or websites with inspirational goodies. I wanted my message to be pure – to come solely from me. I didn’t want the words from these sites to seep out and permeate my own. I wanted my words and thoughts to be able to stand alone – strong and proud. I was afraid that I would read something that I was about to say and then feel that I could no longer say it.


Before writing songs, some singers will isolate themselves from all other music to try not to let it influence them at all – this is what I was trying to do with my writing. Boy, was I missing out and missing the big picture of it all. (Isn’t it great that there are lessons to be learned and growth to be had lurking around every corner?)

It’s impossible to write alone.

Yes, I am sitting here alone in my office – in that sense I am alone. But in the greater sense, I am never alone. My soul, heart, and mind have taken in every single word someone else has said to me. Every word that I have ever read is stored within me – every emotion that I have felt or that someone else has felt is stored in the collective unconscious, which we all have continuous access to. So when I write, I can’t help but take bits of each of these influences and run them through my own soul – my own thoughts – my own emotions and then create something that is repackaged as my own.

Whether we are consciously creating together or not, we are all here together.

We are all messengers sharing the same messages. We are each sharing it in our own way. Some of us will relate to certain blogs, people, emotions – and some to others. And that’s okay. It’s all coming from the same place: love.

After months of hiding from other blogs – fearing that they would rub off onto me, I now embrace them and am honored when they do show through. I am so grateful to be able to take in these wise words from each of you, and I am humbled that you will in turn do the same with my own words.

My husband, Dan, shared a thought with me the other day, and we weren’t sure if it was his own thought or a quote that he heard from someone else. And you know what we realized? It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he shared and that we grew from his sharing.

I have met so many amazing writers since I began this blogging journey. I find such comfort in knowing that we are all in this together. We are each taking what fits from each other and making it our own. We are filtering it through our souls – keeping what feels right and leaving behind what doesn’t. And then paying it forward in our own writing. How beautiful is that? I find it absolutely amazing.

We truly are never alone.

Our thoughts and emotions have all been felt before. Our words have all been said before. And yet, we are still able to make them our own and learn from each other. And I am learning every single day from so many of you.

I am proud to have opened myself up to so many beautiful sites and heartfelt bits of writing. And I know that I am expanding because of it.

And that is always a good thing.

If you have a blog of your own, please share it below. You now know that I will read it. ♥

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