For the last few weeks, Oprah has invited us to relax and nourish our souls for three hours every Sunday morning. She calls this breathing space Super Soul Sunday, and it airs on OWN. It’s a chance for us to get inspired, feel more alive, and awaken to all of the magic in our amazing universe.

I have loved everything that I have seen so far, and I am thrilled to recommend it today. I know that after watching it, I always feel more grateful, inspired, grounded, and open to the possibility.

It airs each Sunday from 8-11 pst/est (I set my DVR, so I still get to sleep in and can watch it later in the day.)

Here is just a brief sampling of the programming she has selected:

Wake Up: A Documentary Film

I absolutely loved this film. It’s the true story of a man who was living a normal life and one day began to see and hear things – auras, angels, etc. This documentary is about his journey toward understanding why this happened to him and what it all means. It’s truly an amazing and enlightening story.

Soul Pancake

 Each Super Soul Sunday features a video from Soul Pancake – Rainn Wilson’s new media company. These videos tackle some of life’s big questions in a visually fun way – such as, “Who am I?” or “Does spirituality require a belief in a God?”

Oprah also sits down for one-on-one soulful interviews each week. There are short firms thrown in – oftentimes with beautiful scenery and peacefulness to help you calm down and be able to exhale fully.

It’s a great way to start a new week. Feeling calm and energized at the same time.

I can’t wait to watch Super Soul Sunday tomorrow – I hope you’ll join me.


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