Ten years ago today my life completely changed.

I was walking on a completely remote dirt road in the middle of the New Mexican mountains – looked over and saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen. We started talking, and we both felt like we were just continuing a conversation.

It was just after 9/11, and I was looking for more out of life – more spirituality – a deeper meaning to it all. My dreams of saving the world were marred with buildings crashing down and terrorists acts. I was searching for something to help get me back on track – help me believe in goodness and love again.

I had just started reading about Buddhism – learning that peace and love truly exist in each of us. In just a few minutes of talking with him, I learned that this man had studied eastern religion for many years – he recommended many books to me along these lines. He had just returned to the states after spending six months in India – and moved to New Mexico to write. I was completely drawn to this person – he was so kind and alive and spiritual and funny and witty and sweet.

I knew him, and he knew me.

I had never seen him in this lifetime, and yet it was a gut feeling – a soul feeling that we both shared: we had done this before. We had been in love for a very long time.

I always felt like I was searching for something – someone. I never felt completely settled in. In relationships, I always had one foot out the door. I knew that there was so much more waiting for me – I just wasn’t quite sure what it was. Now I know – it was Dan.

Just before going to that fateful dirt road ten years ago, I did something that I had never done before (at least not since I was a child): I got on my knees and prayed. I asked the universe for a best friend. I was feeling sad and alone and wanted to process 9/11 with someone on a soul level – I was tired of trying to hold onto friendships that no longer felt quite right. I needed something more, so I asked for it. And then Dan appeared. And for the first time ever in my life, I felt like I could fully exhale. I knew that he is what had been missing. I had been searching and searching and finally we were back together – we were home.

Since that day, we have been completely inseparable. We both felt that we had been given a precious gift by reconnecting, and we were going to make sure that we made the most of it. We rearranged our lives so that we would be together as much as possible. The thought of either of us leaving for work and wasting time where we could be together was unfathomable.

Since meeting, we’ve worked together editing archeological documents, putting together a newspaper for an after-school program, teaching journalism to middle schoolers, and for the last 7 years – running our business together. It’s called “This Is It! Creations” because that’s how we felt when we met each other – that this was it. This is what it’s all about.
I am so grateful that I get to share each day with my wonderful husband. I am so grateful that we are in eachother’s lives.

Asking for and then finding Dan has completely opened up my soul. It’s like I was a flower wanting to bloom but all closed up still and not quite sure how to fully open. I now know that opening up requires faith and trust and letting go. I asked, and then I surrendered. And that’s when the magic began. And this deep inner knowing has opened me up in ways I never even thought imaginable.

It’s hard to put into words the complete gratitude, humility, and admiration I feel to be a part of such an amazing universe. The fact that I get to spend each day with my best friend – growing together and loving each other makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. And knowing that this gift opened me up in so many ways is extraordinary and amazing.

To my beautiful husband and this limitless universe – thank you.

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