I am spinning. Well, not literally (thankfully), but my insides definitely are. I have so many thoughts swirling around that I have a headache – I imagine that it’s a result of all of these thoughts constantly running into each other.

As you all know, I believe in the law of attraction. I believe that what we think about is what we create. I believe that what we give our energy to becomes our reality. And so I know that I have created this spinning – this headache – these thoughts – this life. I know that.

And so I sit here and ask myself how can I create something different?

I have owned my business for seven years. And each year, I wait excitedly and a bit nervously for the holiday season to begin. As every gift business owner knows, the forth quarter is when the orders come flying in – this is when we kick everything into high gear – we move faster, pack faster, type faster, think faster…everything is faster because there is a ticking clock that points to one date and one date only: Christmas. We know from now until right before this date, things will get crazy.

Or will they?

Does everyone who owns a gift business feel this strain – this excitement that is also mixed with a touch of overwhelm peppered with a little bit of fear? What if we won’t be able to keep up? What if the packages won’t reach our customers in time? What if we spin too fast that we fall over completely?

Five minutes ago, I was working on two computers simultaneously – editing a journal on one and printing out a shipping order on the other. Dan was frantically binding journals that absolutely had to ship today – and (what I wish wasn’t a typical day – but it definitely seems to be) raced out just in time to make it to the post office and send the orders out. We push back eating; we push back sleeping; we push back living – all for the sake of the orders, our business, and this busy season.

And just now I was able to step back from it and see myself in this craziness. I realized that I have created this frantic lifestyle. I can’t even recall how many times I have said that the holiday season is crazy – it’s madness. I expect to not sleep regularly, eat at normal hours, or live my life during these two months. That, to me, is absolute madness. And because I expect this, guess what I have attracted? Exactly what I thought – absolute chaos and craziness.

So right now in this very moment when there are more orders in the queue than I have ever seen and more journals to make and pack and more customized gifts waiting to be designed and more emails to reply to than I can even wrap my brain around I am writing. I am here. I am spending time with you and with my soul. I am so grateful for each order that comes in – I am so grateful for every book that we send out, but I am also realizing that I can be grateful for these things and still take care of myself. I can change the game plan – I can change my thoughts.

So here I go: I am now focusing on inner peace and everything working out and life moving at a slower, calmer pace – especially during the next two months. I am focusing on breathing in and then out and then in again. I am focusing on getting everything done in a relaxed way – a way that I feel good about. And in doing so, I know that the world will not fall apart. Nothing will collapse. Everything and everyone will be fine. And I will finally be able to fully exhale.

Ahhhh… already feeling better.

How about you? Can you take a few moments for yourself today? Can you check in with your soul and listen to what it wants to tell you? Can you put yourself on the priority list – even for five minutes – even if it’s just to focus on your breathing – even if it’s just once today? I promise you’ll feel better, and your soul will definitely thank you.

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