Each Friday, I usually choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey.

But this Friday is different – I’m instead asking each of you (and myself) a question. And I would love if we could all look within our souls and find the answer. If you feel comfortable doing so, I would love for you to leave your answer below.

I was watching Oprah’s lifeclass tonight, and the topic was about the importance of taking responsibility for our lives.

This subject is one of my biggest lessons, and it’s truly only been in the last couple of years that I have really begun to do this myself.

Oprah summed up the class so eloquently and beautifully, and I would like to share her wise words with each of you now:

All of the time I was praying to God, asking for God to do something, God was waiting on me.
I am responsible for what happens to me.
I am responsible for the energy that I give, and I’m responsible for the power that I give over to somebody else.
I am the only one who can bring change to my life.
While I’m waiting on something to happen, that something is waiting on me.

This is so powerful and so important for each of us to apply to our own lives.

Our lives can only truly begin when we actively take full and complete responsibility for them.

This means no more giving away our power.
No more blaming others for a less-than-perfect life.
No more being the victim.
No more waiting to be saved.
No more waiting period.

It’s time to stand up for our lives – we are each here for a reason. We are each here to be powerful and make such a difference in this world.

And it all starts by taking responsibility.

So here is the question that I am asking myself and also each of you:

How do you begin to take responsibility for your life?

Take a look at your life – a long, honest look.

Is there any part of it where you are giving away your power?

I get it – I know firsthand that it’s so much easier (on one level) to let someone else make the decisions, to allow someone else to be in the driver’s seat. But this is truly not helping your spirit – it’s not helping you live your best life.

Is there any place in your life where you are blaming someone else for your current situation? How can you step up and take responsibility in your role in this situation? How can you change it?

Are you waiting for someone (a partner, a parent, God, the universe, etc.) to save you – to make things better – to fix your life? If we are here to learn lessons (which I completely believe), how will you learn these lessons if you are waiting for someone else to handle it all? You won’t learn anything until you step up and take action.

So let’s all spend some time thinking of the ways we are giving up our power. And then let’s think of all of the wonderful ways that we can become empowered and begin living our best lives by taking completely responsibility for them.

I am going to give this question some thought myself, and I’ll post my answer soon. I truly hope that you will feel comfortable enough to share your answer with each of us. We are here to learn – and learning from each other is a wonderful way to do exactly that.


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