Today, I vow to live my life.
MY life.
Not the life that I think I am supposed to live.
Not the life that my loved ones want me to live.
Not the life that I was brought up to live.

MY life.
The life where I wake up each morning and put my authentic foot forward.
The life where I continually reach higher and higher toward my higher purpose.
The life where I keep my word to myself and to others.
The life where I put into practice all that I preach.
The life where I am aware that the choices I make will become my future.
The life where I make choices based on living my best life rather than making choices based on someone else’s version of my best life.

Today, I vow to live MY life.
The life where my soul runs the show.
The life where my heart is on my sleeve.
The life where gut feelings rule over mindless chatter.
The life where love is love and that is that.
The life where I stand up for myself.
The life where I say how I’m truly feeling.
The life where I’m always honest with myself and with others.
The life where I am always me – not some version of myself that I think everyone else wants me to be.

Today, I vow to live MY life.
Not some copycat version of someone else’s life.
I vow to be strong when faced with challenges.
I vow to always keep the faith when it feels impossible to go on.
I vow to stay true to my inner compass and absolutely never compromise who I am.
I vow to see that self care does not equal selfishness.
I vow to fill my own cup up first and only then fill the cups around me.

I vow to stand strong when I go against the grain.
I vow to not waver when what I know is what I know.
I vow to let love conquer all.
I vow to let love heal all.

Today, I vow to live my life.
MY life.

And tomorrow I vow to do the same.

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