Each Friday, I usually choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey.

But this Friday is different – I’m turning the tables and asking YOU for guidance! We all have so much to offer, and I know that we can get some great bits of wisdom if we each look within our soul and find the answer.

So here is the question:

When you’re feeling a bit down, how do you perk yourself up? What is your go-to remedy that always makes you feel better?

Do you watch a funny movie? Call a friend? Eat your favorite meal? Exercise? Journal? All of the above? 🙂

Please comment below – I’m sure we’ll all learn from each other and be able to use these tips the next time we need a positivity boost!

I can’t wait to read your wise words!

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

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