It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.

Have you ever come across someone who radiated joy? Their aura seemed just a bit brighter than everyone else’s – their smile was wider – their energy was absolutely vibrant.

There is something very special when you meet someone who is living on purpose – living the life that they were meant to live. They are shining their light, and the entire world benefits from it.

I was watching Oprah’s Lifeclass earlier this week, and while her light has always been bright – it is even brighter now. She is even more in her element – doing what she was meant to do with her time here on Earth. She is a teacher – she is here to help each of us awaken – to help each of us live our best life. And when she is sharing her wisdom, she is in the flow. Her aura shines bright – the world is her classroom. And I feel so blessed to be able to soak up her wisdom.

If you are available for today’s class, it’s an extra special one – one that is close to my heart. It’s about how we become what we believe. Our thoughts truly become our reality, and that’s why it’s crucial to be aware of our thoughts and make sure they are leading us in the direction we want to go in. Cheryl Richardson will be joining Oprah in the webcast, which is such a special treat. I can’t wait, and I hope you tune in, too!

I’m sure you have come across people who are living their best lives – living on purpose. And I have found that simply being around this energy helps me get on the path that is right for me. It helps me remember why I am here. It helps me serve others in the best way that I am able to. It helps me be the best me that I can be.

My wish is for each of us to live on purpose and shine our lights brightly into the world. I am forever grateful when I see someone doing exactly this.

P.S. – There are two amazing women who are shining their lights that I would love to introduce you to! They each have launched wonderful books today – please stop by and learn more. Plus, if you order their books today, you will receive many gifts (including our Manifestation Ebook)! The books are called Cultivating Radiance and Frazzled Hurried Woman!

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