There are certain things you will never do.
There are certain ways you will never be.

There are certain jobs you will never have.
There are certain talents you will never possess.

There are certain people who will never understand you.
There are certain connections that will never be made.

There are certain goals you will never achieve.
There are certain dreams that will never come true.

And isn’t knowing this refreshing? I certainly think so!

As I sit here and read these lines, I feel a lightness sweep through me. I feel the pressure ease and begin to float away. Knowing that it’s not possible to do everything, accomplish everything, and be everything to everyone is freeing. It allows me to breathe – relax – and be completely okay in my own skin.

It releases me to simply be me – whatever that means for me.

We may not be able to have it all or achieve it all – at least not in one lifetime, but we are absolutely perfect in our own imperfectness.

When we release this pressure within ourselves, we open a window for possibility. When we relax our grip on what we wish we were or who we wish we could be, we allow ourselves to be exactly who we are. And I am certain that this is exactly who we should be.

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