This is sort of a continuation on yesterday’s post – which was to ask yourself how your life would be different if fear weren’t part of the equation. Have you ever said no to certain opportunities that came your way because you were afraid? Have you ever imagined how different your life would look if you made a conscious choice to jumping (or even leaping) out of your comfort zone and going for it – fear and all?

As I mentioned yesterday, I have spent the last year doing just this. Rather than allowing fear to box me in, I have been consciously pushing it aside when opportunities come up. I have been saying yes to life. Has it been easy? Definitely not. Living in fear has been my default setting for my entire life, so it’s a huge adjustment to let that go and stay open to whatever comes my way. But what I will say is that this openness has shown me what I am capable of – this braveness has allowed me to stand tall in my own shoes and know that I can handle much more than I thought I could.

I was part of a teleseries today, and I gave a presentation. I am still pinching myself and still in shock that I said yes in the first place and then followed through with it and actually did it. Up until a year ago, my default setting would’ve been to bow out gracefully somehow when things got a little too scary. Usually my body did it for me – in the form of illness. It’s a perfect excuse, right? And depending on how scary the opportunity was, the more serious the illness became. I know that this is a pattern, and so I have been consciously removing this from my belief system. My higher self is now running the show – thankfully – but my ego still throws its tantrums when it can get away with it. Last night I started feeling really sick – chills, fever, runny nose, etc. I knew exactly what was happening – the part of me that was terrified about this presentation today was trying to give me an excuse to cancel. My higher self simply told my ego that it wasn’t going to happen. I was going to give the presentation regardless of how I was feeling. And guess what? I woke up feeling fine – extremely nervous, but no longer sick. Isn’t it amazing how much control we have over our bodies and their reactions to our emotions?

So this is my “Yes to Life” moment. I broke through my own fear, took a leap of faith, and gave a presentation. Whew!

What can you say yes to?

What can you do to stretch out of your comfort zone – even just a little bit?

How can your higher self take the reins in your life and allow fear to step aside?

What does your soul want you to try? feel? do? experience?

Choose one thing today to say yes to. Your life is waiting.


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