I love the synchronicity of World Gratitude Day falling on a Wednesday this year – every Wednesday I write a post about gratitude! You can read my previous posts by clicking here.

We all have so much to be grateful for, and so today I thought it would be fun to bring all of our gratitude together and really feel how powerful it is and how it truly can change our lives if we focus on it and welcome it into our daily routine.

So, let’s each leave a comment below simply stating one thing that we are grateful for right now in this moment.

And then take a moment, close your eyes, and feel how wonderful it feels inside of you to be in this place of gratitude and appreciation.

If there are other comments when you post, take the time to read them and send love and gratitude to each person who shared.

Imagine that all of our grateful feelings are swirling around the world. Imagine that everywhere they go, they bring positivity and warmth. Imagine that everyone they touch becomes filled with joy and love.

And then continue to come back to this feeling of gratefulness – today, tomorrow, and each day after that.

We’re all in this together, and we truly can change the world – one grateful thought at a time. β™₯

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