Have you ever had one of those days where the seriousness of life and the weight of it all feels heavier than normal? You wake up to news that you would rather not hear. You check your email and find messages that are exactly what you don’t want to read.

Well, today is one of those days for me. And so sitting down to write this post from my higher self – my soul – wasn’t an easy feat. But something happened when I sat down. I remembered that when life takes over and things don’t seem to be falling into place, sometimes the best thing to do is to go with it, roll with it, and laugh about it. Lighten up a bit. Put the serious hat away and put on the silly hat. I have to admit that I haven’t been wearing my silly hat very much lately, and this is something that I can consciously choose to change.

Dan said something to me yesterday that had both of us rolling on the floor, laughing so hard that tears were flowing. (It’s one of those times where you had to have been there to think it was funny.) It was such a great release for both of us. Our lives have been so serious lately, and I had almost forgotten how great it felt to laugh that hard.

There are lessons happening all around us at every moment of our lives, and this was such a crucial one for me to be reminded of yesterday.

Lighten up.
Be free.
Be silly.
Be joyous.

All of this seriousness is just feeling a bit too serious. There is so much more to life than this heaviness. Soul work and getting to know yourself better can be exhilarating and enlightening and deepening. And it can also be fun. So today, I am welcoming a lighter existence. I am welcoming the laughter. And I welcome you to do the same.

In fact, if any of you would like to share some silliness with the rest of us, please do so! 🙂

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