Welcome to Ask Away!

Each week I choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey. I also encourage everyone who is reading this to offer their words of wisdom as well by leaving a comment at the end. Please click here to learn more about this feature.

Here is this week’s question, which was sent in by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

I am exhausted. But I know that life continues to go on whether I am tired or not. How can I possibly continue to function and keep going in this current state?

Wow. I can definitely relate to this question. I could’ve written this question – it hits that close to home for me.

So I think what I’ll do here is offer advice for both of us (and anyone else who is also feeling extreme fatigue and isn’t sure how to keep going).

I have found that when I forget to take care of myself – when I put everything else that is on my to-do list before my own self care, my body will always let me know. Sometimes it’s in the form of extreme fatigue, sometimes in the form of illness – depending on how seriously I have been neglecting myself.

And although it probably seems counter-intuitive to you in this time of feeling exhausted and behind with life, I am going to ask you to do something that seems like it would be very easy, but I’m guessing that for you – similar to me – this may actually be very hard for you to do:

And I mean really rest.

Clear some space on your calendar for you. Schedule it in – as much time as you can take without causing yourself more stress. I would strongly recommend at least one full day. Let your family/friends/work know. Put your computer away. Turn your phone off. And take one day to hibernate. Give yourself and your body this gift of love. You need it, and you deserve it.

I have found that the boundaries have been blurred in my own life between what counts as resting and what doesn’t. Here is what I have come up with so far:

What resting looks like:

  • Sleeping. This could take the form of actually sleeping for an entire night – no alarm clock, no getting up bright and early because you have a million things that need to be done. This could be taking a lovely nap in the middle of the afternoon – one that is so long it runs into the evening. The kind of nap where you sleep so hard you aren’t sure what day it is when you wake up.
  • Reading a book – purely for fun. Make sure it has nothing to do with work – it can’t even be tangentially related.
  • Being still – spacing out, lounging around, chilling. All important pieces in the resting puzzle.
  • Playing boardgames. Nothing too strenuous or taxing on your brain. Fun, easy games.
  • Watching movies. Cuddle up on the couch and escape for awhile. Again, I would recommend light, fun movies that aren’t going to get your adrenaline pumping.

What resting doesn’t look like:

  • Cleaning the house. I know this may seem obvious, but I know some people who say that cleaning is relaxing to them. When you are in a state of exhaustion, and you’re taking some time to rest – please do yourself a big favor and leave the cleaning for another day.
  • Anything related to work – period. It can be a slippery slope, so please be conscious of this. We are all so used to being plugged in all of the time, and the boundaries between what is work and what isn’t have become so blurred. Resting does not include answering emails, responding to interviews, reading books that you are reviewing, or entering expenses…(firsthand experience here).
  • Taking a vacation. Don’t get me wrong – vacations are wonderful and fun and exciting – but they aren’t usually restful. Traveling can take a toll on our bodies, and when we are already in this state of exhaustion, we need to learn to go easy on our bodies until they are rested and recharged.
  • Exercise. I know that many people say that they feel calmer and more rested after they exercise. However, if your body is already at the brink of complete exhaustion, the last thing it needs is a workout. Seriously.
  • Going out with friends. I know that this is fun and enjoyable, but it’s not restful. Save this for when you’re feeling a bit more energized.
  • Catching up. This can include running errands, making calls, etc. While these are worthwhile things to do, this is not the time to do them.

(I would love for anyone who is reading this to add to either list.)

I hope this is helpful.

Taking some time out from your busy life – time that is just for you where you can recharge your batteries is absolutely essential and a top priority.

You can keep going only when you first take time to realize that you need to stop going and just be.

So get out your calendar and schedule your self-care day! You are worth it. We all are.


For everyone who is reading, please offer your words of wisdom as well! Let’s all chime in and offer guidance and support for this brave soul who opened themselves up by asking for help!

I would love to answer your question in next’s week’s post!
Please email your question to: info@soulfuljournals.com. (Please put “Ask Away” in the subject line.)

If your question is chosen for that Friday’s feature, I will let you know if I need any additional information. It’s completely up to you if you would like your question to be anonymous or public. If you would like to keep it anonymous, please make sure to leave out any identifying details.


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