I watched The Secret several years ago, and (like so many of you) immediately wanted to learn more about the Law of Attraction. I was fired up and inspired knowing that we have the power to create our ideal lives simply by changing our thoughts. Wow. Amazing. An aha moment for sure.

I immediately began focusing on my thoughts and being more aware of whether they were the types of thoughts that I wanted to be having. Would I be thinking these thoughts in my ideal life? And if not, I would concentrate on creating them – happy, positive, loving, inspired thoughts.

I was truly ready to change my life. I was excited to create my new life – filled with only great people, things, and thoughts that I had attracted into it.

Like most of us, I had such good intentions. I truly wanted to change, I had a partner who was right there with me, I had supportive friends and family cheering me on. But things didn’t change – at least not as quickly as I hoped they would. And I became discouraged. Why was it taking longer than I originally planned? Why wasn’t I attracting the wonderful life that I wanted?

And years later, I am realizing that the Law of Attraction is a natural law. We are constantly attracting into our lives whether we are aware of it or not. So when I worry about not having enough money, I am attracting not having enough money. When I say my affirmations, but then immediately go back to allowing my inner critic to run the show, I am attracting more of this negative self talk. When I dream of the life I want but don’t take any concrete action to create this life, I am attracting more of the same into my life – more dreams, but nothing tangible.


The Law of Attraction isn’t magic (although it feels that way sometimes). It is occurring all around us each and every day – it is a natural universal law. But we have the choice to create our best lives by working with this law instead of against it.

If we want to live the life of our dreams, we have to be conscious. We have to be aware of our thoughts, our limiting beliefs, and our saboteur. We must begin to take action toward creating our ideal life.

Look at your life right now. If there is any part of it that you aren’t happy with, take a moment to realize that you created it. Your thoughts and actions put you right where you are today. This is a tough one to realize because it’s hard to imagine that we wouldn’t automatically create a wonderful life for ourselves.

But know that you do have the ability to create this life – it’s never too late to start.

I am doing this exact thing for myself. I am constantly going back to my thoughts and making sure they are the types of thoughts that I want to be having. When I catch myself worrying about something, I try to stop it as quickly as I can and switch to an empowered thought. I try to take action steps toward my dreams – meeting the universe half way. I take a look at my limiting beliefs and counter them with abundant beliefs. And if I fall off the wagon, so to speak, I pick myself right back up and begin again.

Creating your ideal life is a conscious choice, and it takes constant practice. But I know that it works – I have seen amazing changes already in my own life due to simply changing my thoughts and beliefs. I know that we each have the power within us to do this – so let’s just do it!

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