Each day when I sit down to write, I never know who is going to read my posts. I never know how they are going to be received.

I only know what my intention is with writing each word, each page, each post.
And that is to inspire others by sharing my own experiences.

When I began this blogging journey, my intention was (and still is) to write from my heart. I wanted to allow my soul a place to come forward, be open (and vulnerable), and express its deepest wisdom. I hoped that by showing snippets of my own life and sharing my process of learning to become more conscious, grateful, and alive in each moment, I could pass along what has worked for me in the hopes that it would also work for you.

I wanted to provide tools for each of us to go within and listen to our own higher voice. I wanted to show that even though life will never be perfect, there is still so much to be grateful for. Even though there will always be pain and suffering, allowing our soul a place to speak and guide us will lead us out of that pain and into a place of understanding and gratitude. Even though we don’t know what lies ahead, we can learn to trust in ourselves and our inner guidance knowing it will always lead us in the right direction.

Over the weekend, my inbox was filled with your kind words and loving support showing me that this message is being received.

And for once I am at a loss for words. It is difficult for me to describe this feeling of joy, understanding, love, hope, fulfillment, contentment, gratitude that I am feeling. Knowing that something you are so passionate about is taking hold and impacting lives in such a positive way is truly a miracle.

In reading your emails I have seen firsthand how you are opening up to your own wisdom. You are applying these same tools to your own lives and are able to see the results, just like I am. You are stepping out of fear and embracing change. You are taking risks and soaring to new heights. You are making time for yourself because you know that you truly matter. You are awakening your soul and paying attention to the message it wants you to hear. You are taking action toward living your dreams. You are living.

And for that I step back and take my hat off to you. I applaud your strength, your wisdom, and your spirit.

And I thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I am completely blown away and touched by your love, and it shows that when we align with our true path, love flows.

Thank you for being a part of my journey and for allowing me to be a part of yours.

P.S. – I just moved to WordPress, and there are two ways you can subscribe to this blog: by email or in a reader. If you subscribe to have each post delivered to your email, you will receive a free Gratitude Ebook – my gift to you! 🙂

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