Oops – I was so excited to talk about our sacred gifts yesterday that I completely forget it was Wednesday.
So this week’s Gratitude Project post is on Thursday. 🙂

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:

I have always loved school. I was the one who would asked for extra assignments. It was truly the best day of my life when my 3rd grade teacher gave me an entire packet of worksheets to complete over summer vacation. In elementary school, the smell of warm, mimeographed homework sheets always brought a smile to my face.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been in school, and I have missed these assignments.

I recently enrolled in a program that feels a lot like school. We have assignments, worksheets, reading, and learning. The only difference between this and school is that I won’t be given a grade at the end. This is real life, and how well I do will determine how my professional life looks in the future.

So I am getting back into the habit of studying – getting back into the discipline of finishing my assignments – and being held accountable for doing what is expected of me.

In addition to this program, I have also been studying a lot on my own – we are all students of life, and the learning never stops. I have been introduced to so many wonderful teachers who have inspired me to live my best life.

One of these teachers is Jack Canfield. I was on a group call yesterday with him – each month he answers his students’ questions about a certain topic, and it’s always so inspiring to hear his wisdom. He always gives homework for the month, and I loved yesterday’s so much that I would like to share it with each of you.

For the next month, do something each day to stretch yourself.
Do something each day that will push you out of your comfort zone.
Do something that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable – not extremely uncomfortable. Just a bit. Just enough to notice what it feels like to push your limits. 

Keep a list of what you do, so at the end of the month you can look back and see how much progress you have made.

This is a big assignment for me, and I am looking forward to seeing how I can push through my fear and comfort and stretch myself.

I hope you’ll share with me how you decide to get out of your comfort zones, too.

So today I am grateful for assignments. I am grateful for inspiring teachers. And I am grateful for my ability to learn, stretch, and grow.

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