Today is a special day, and I have a feeling I’m about to get a bit sappy here… 
Nine years ago today my best friend and I fell in love.
It was the most magical day, and I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
When we met we felt like we were continuing a conversation from long ago. 
He was so familiar to me, and I felt like I had finally come home. 
We were (and still are) two peanuts in a peanut shell.
We complement each other perfectly.
We spend all of our time together – loving each other, learning together, and being grateful that we get to share our lives.
He is the kindest person I have ever known.
His heart is pure, and his love is true. 
I get to share each day with the most amazing man!
I am so thankful and so blessed.
Happy Anniversary, Dan.

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