I was watching Oprah’s Facebook interview last night on OWN, and, as always, I was thrilled to soak up her wisdom. I actually took notes. She is one of the world’s greatest teachers, and I can’t wait to be a part of her Lifeclass that starts next week.

I took away so many beautiful bits of wisdom for my own life, but I wanted to share one part of the interview with each of you. She asked the following question:

What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

This is definitely a question that lives close to my heart. I have spent most of my life living in fear and allowing it to control me. It’s been a year now that I have been saying yes to life more and more – even when I am absolutely terrified. I made a conscious choice to push fear out of the driver’s seat and begin allowing my higher self to call the shots.

So how is my life different?

I am here – I am writing.
I am allowing myself to be authentic, raw, and vulnerable.
I am saying yes to new experiences.
I am dreaming bigger.
I am moving into the unknown.
I am willing to change.
I am embracing (at least trying to) faith and uncertainty.
I am letting go and surrendering to something so much bigger than myself.

If you took fear out of your life, how would it be different?

Let’s all spend some time going within and really imagining the possibilities. Because they truly are endless. If you feel comfortable doing so, I would love for you to leave your answer here. ♥


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