Saturday Selection – 2012 Creating My Goddess Year Workbook & Planner

You all know that I can get pretty sappy. I live my life with my heart on my sleeve, and when I fall in love with something, I want to shout it from the rooftops and share it with everyone I know! I have been so excited to share this week’s selection with you for awhile now, but I wanted to do it today because I think it’s so important that we kick off the new year in a positive, reflective way. The 2012 More

Saturday Selection – An Interview with Scott Blum – Bestselling Author & DailyOM Co-Founder

I’m super excited about today’s interview! I am turning Soul Speak over to my amazing husband, Dan. He sat down with Scott Blum and had a soulful chat – they talked about Scott’s newest book, Winter Moon Rises, spirituality, being a dad, and so much more! So without further ado… enjoy!

About seven years ago, while Jodi and I were living in the red-rock mountains of Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico, she subscribed to a website called DailyOM More

Saturday Selection – A Celebration & A Fun Shop that Gives Back

Today is a special day! My sweet dog-ter, Xena, is celebrating her 12th birthday!

Xena is a beautiful Norwegian Elkhound who introduced herself to Dan and me by bounding down a mountain road with a huge smile on her face. That was nine years ago, and we have shared many years of love since then.

She was our neighbors’ dog, but after meeting and feeling such a strong connection, we have been almost inseparable since. Thankfully, through a series of miraculous events, she was able to come with More

Saturday Selection – Tarot Cards

I realize that most of you have heard of or even have used tarot cards, but because I continue to be amazed by their guidance and power in my own life, I wanted to make them this week’s selection.

I have had my deck for over ten years, and any time I am feeling a bit lost and am looking for a helping hand from the universe, I go to this deck and pull a card.

And each time I do this, the answers that I need to hear at that exact moment appear.

I am by no means an expert on this, but here is the book and deck that I have and am recommending:

Pocket Rider Waite Tarot Cards Tarot Made Easy I think they are a great tool to gain clarity. They are a great way to connect directly to your higher self and the infinite universe.  I would love to hear any decks and books that you use and would recommend.

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