Embrace Your Fear – A Loving Exercise

So often, we resist fear. We see it as something to be, well, feared. And what we resist persists. And so the more that we push fear aside and the longer we go without really looking at it and figuring out where it is coming from, the more that we let it drive and continue to control us. The bigger we allow it to become.

But here’s something to remember: Fear only exists in our minds. 

It is a human emotion. When we are in spirit form, there is never a need for fear More

Bravely Step into Your Dream

We all have a dream inside of us. Yes. Every single one of us.

Some of us may know exactly what our dreams are – we have vision boards and journal entries and action plans leading us straight to our dream.

And some of us may worry that we don’t know what our dream is – we feel stuck and uncertain and wonder if maybe we are one of the few people who was born into this life without a purpose.

Whichever category you fall into, please know that we have all been there. We all have moments More

Ready to Live Boldly?

I’m super happy to introduce you to my friend, Tess Marshall today! While we have never met in person, I consider her a dear friend, a soul sister, and a light in my life. We chat regularly on Skype, and each time we sign off, my mouth hurts from laughing so much. 🙂

You may already know Tess from her super popular blog, The Bold Life. She is on a mission to help you push past your fear!  She has a new ecourse,  More

On the Other Side of Fear – An Interview & A Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time, and I’m so excited that it’s here!

A dear friend of mine, Julia Fehrenbacher did something that is so inspiring and amazing: she leaped toward her dream of publishing her own book of poetry and art. And she did it! Her book, On the Other Side of Fear is sitting right next to me as I write this.

To make her dream a reality, she pushed past all of her More

Embracing the Freefall

Have you ever pushed through all of your fears, walked right up to the edge, and leaped toward your dreams?

I bet you have. We all have.

How did you feel?
Excited? Elated? Proud? Light?

Maybe. Hopefully.

But what if while you were expecting to feel all of those emotions during the freefall between your old life and your dream life, you instead felt sick to your stomach and even more fearful than you already were?

What then?

What if during that freefall you started to question it all? More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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