Deciphering the Signs

In my last post, I shared about how I’m reading E-Squared, which has me looking for signs of universal love, energy, and miracles that are all around me. It’s been exciting to open up to these signs and to really be aware of them. And what I’m seeing is that every single thing can be a sign – depending on how we look at it. And we get to decipher for ourselves what each sign means.

As many of you know, we lost our beautiful dog-ter, More

A Spiritual Science Experiment

Even though I write about the soul and have frequent conversations with the universe, angels, and my spirit guides, I’m still a skeptic. I still have a logical mind that likes to see proof. Thankfully, I’ve received some amazing proof through the years to convince me that there is so much more to our universe than we can see or even imagine and to show me that we’re always loved.

I love when that happens because this proof melds my skeptical More

How Do You Define the Soul?

I was just thinking that in all of these years of writing about the soul, I have never sat down and really put into words my own definition of it. I think that this makes perfect sense since it’s something that in many ways goes beyond any human definition, but I thought it would be fun to at least give it a try.

So here I go…

To me, the soul is love. It’s our connection to all that is. It’s our connection between the spirit world and the physical world.

It’s our best More

16 Prompts to Help You Connect with Your Soul

I love journaling. It’s such a great way to get in touch with our soul. When my husband and I designed journals during our gift-business years, we always had requests from our customers to write some prompts to help them get started. (This is how our Soulful Journals series was born!) We both love to write, and it’s been such a treat to get to share these prompts with so many people through the years.

I was just sitting down to write this post, and I never know what’s going to More

Want to Meet Your Chakra Spirit Guide?

I absolutely love the Soulful Shout Out series here on Soul Speak! I get to highlight and introduce you to beautiful people and their wonderful offerings!

Today, I am happy to introduce you to my friend, Qatana Samanen!

Qatana and I met through the Quantum Leap Marketing Program, which we both took several years ago. I was immediately drawn to her loving heart and her sweet soul. She is filled with wisdom and warmth, and I’ve loved More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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