beliefnetI’m so excited to share my new Heart of the Soul column with you! It’s on, which is an amazing site filled with inspiration and spirituality. (You can learn more about Beliefnet by clicking here.)

I am honored to have signed on with them as a columnist in their Inspiration section, and I’ll be sharing new posts there three days a week! I would love for you to read these posts, too. They will always come straight from my heart and will be filled with loving ways for you to embrace your life and reconnect with your inner voice. 


If you haven’t seen them yet, here are excerpts from my first four articles:

beautiful-soulA Heartfelt Invitation

Welcome to my new blog, Heart of the Soul! I’m Jodi Chapman, and I’m so excited to join the Beliefnet family.

I wanted to start by sharing my intention for this blog and then extend an invitation to you.

I believe that we all are made from love and that we all have a beautiful soul at our core – a part of us that is heart-centered and wise and connected to everything in the universe.

And oftentimes, that all-knowing and all-loving part of us gets covered up by all of the urgencies of life – all of the have tos and should dos. This beautiful part of us gets forgotten due to all of the pain that we have suffered and all of the disappointment that we have experienced throughout our life. Sometimes we have gotten so far away from our essence that we can feel completely disconnected from ourselves and also from our life. Please click to continue reading.

 ♥  ♥  ♥

loveThe Common Thread that Ties Us Together

Over the past couple of years, through my own inner growth and through connecting with many others, I’ve come to realize that there’s one common thread that ties us together:


That’s it. Everything comes back to this. It seems so simple, doesn’t it?

And it is. If we choose for it to be.

Because here’s the thing: in order to bring love into our life, we have to (absolutely have to) choose to open our hearts. We have to consciously decide to let our past hurts remain in the past and not move into our present and future. We have to let go of any blocks and barriers that may be keeping us from fully experiencing love here in this moment. We have to begin to look at life through a lens of love and kindness rather than a lens of fear and anger.

We have to.

Love is always all around us. Love is always available to all of us.

But only if we let it in. If we choose to open up to it. If we choose to embrace it rather than push it away. Please click to continue reading.

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soul-whisperHow to Hear Your Soul

I haven’t always listened to my soul. In fact, I never spent much time thinking about my soul at all. It’s true that, like all of us, I would hear inner whispers – asking me to embrace something or leap toward something – but I would ignore them. I would shush this voice and let it know that I didn’t have time for such frivolous notions and urges. And I would get back to living my structured, safe, passionless life.

As the years went on, the whispers became louder and the urgency became clearer. It was becoming next to impossible not to pay attention to this inner voice – it was becoming next to impossible not to listen.

I wonder if you can relate. I know that we all hear these voices, and I know that many of us ignore them. And I have a feeling that when we do that, the voices just get louder and louder until eventually we have to stop what we’re doing and pay attention to them.

We can be pretty stubborn, can’t we? But so can our soul. Please click to continue reading.

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buncom coversDo You Have a Cozy Fort?

As I write this post from my home office, there’s something very sweet about the view that I am looking at: two cats sleeping away in their blanket forts.

Just five minutes ago, both cats were irritable and unsettled, not sure what they wanted or what would make them happy. They were grumpy, tired, and just needed to take a nap. So I draped a fuzzy blanket over the overstuffed chair, which created a cozy cove for one cat to crawl into. And I draped another soft blanket over the coffee table for the other – making it like a dark den. Within seconds, they were each sound asleep and softly snoring – making it much easier and more peaceful for me to write.

Creating these cozy forts got me thinking – not just about my sweet cats, but also about our own lives. I wondered if feeling better and feeling comforted and relaxed were always such a simple fix for all of us. If we could create some sort of fort for ourselves – a place of comfort and warmth we could retreat to when life felt overwhelming and chaotic. Please click to continue reading.

 ♥  ♥  ♥

I would be so grateful if you subscribed to this new blog to make sure you receive my heartfelt posts! (The subscribe button is on the right-hand side of the blog.)

Please help spread the love by clicking on the share buttons on each article, too. There can never be too much inspiration!

As always, thank you so much for your continued support. Your love means the world to me, and I just am so grateful for each and every one of you for making it possible for me to live my dream life. It’s my hope that both Soul Speak and Heart of the Soul are places of comfort and inspiration for you to go to connect with your soul and feel loved.




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