Are you Leaping into Your Purpose?

Do you feel like you’re living your life’s purpose? Do you feel like you’re sharing your calling – your unique message – with the world?

I believe that we all have a special purpose, and it’s up to us to sift through the clues, figure out what it is, and then share it with others.

Sometimes we know our purpose when we’re young, and then we move away from it, and then it finds us again as adults.

At least that’s what More

Have You Handed Over Your Destiny?

Do you believe that you have a say in how your life turns out?

Do you believe that you get to choose how you spend your time, who you spend your time with, and how you live your life?

Do you?

For many, many years I didn’t believe this. For many, many years I handed over my destiny to others. I suppose I believed that they knew more than I did. I suppose I believed that they could guide my life better than I could. I suppose I believed that it was just easier, actually. Easier to live in the More

Using the “F” Word…and Meaning it

There’s a word that gets thrown around quite a bit in personal growth circles, in therapy sessions, and in conscious living centers. It’s a word that tends to bring about a visceral reaction in most people.

For me, when I hear it, I often feel my throat burn and my chest tighten. For others, they may feel their stomach clench and their heart hurt. It’s a word that we’ve heard we must use and practice. And still, it’s a practice that we often resist.


It’s Time to STOP.

My nose started bleeding today. It was a completely random event. I hadn’t had a nose bleed since I was a kid, and nothing externally had changed for me to have one now (the weather was the same, I don’t have allergies, I hadn’t knocked into anything, etc.). And yet, bright red blood was pouring out of it.

And here’s the part that I’m not entirely proud of saying, but I promised I would continue to show up here in-process and completely human, so here goes: I was more More

Shared Wisdom – You Are Your Own Constant

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

Life floats. It rises and ebbs. Its water takes you on a journey around the globe with beautiful sunshine and ruthless thunderstorms. Sometimes you’re swimming in love and then, you’re sinking in pain.

It’s not easy to navigate through the oceans of life, but it’s the only way to survive.

My life has been a constant struggle, and I’ve gulped for air more often than not. Yet, here I am: 25 years old and still standing. Not always More

The Puzzle Pieces of Life

My 20th high school reunion happened last weekend in my hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. While I didn’t make it back to celebrate and reconnect with my former classmates and friends, it was fun to see pictures from it on Facebook.

There’s something about these benchmarks of aging that brings me to a reflective space. And it’s really gotten me looking into my past and looking at my present and seeing how they fit together.

I had such a wonderfully positive high school experience. More

Fitting In Is So Overrated

Each night before I go to sleep, I pick up whichever novel I’m in the middle of and read for a few minutes. It’s such a wonderful way to ground myself and create a relaxing space between the busy state and the dream state.

Just recently, I was reading a novel called, Home Safe by Elizabeth Berg. I came across a passage More

Free Soul Clarity Message + August Special!

Happy August! It’s that time again where I’ll pull one Soul Clarity Card for each person who leaves a comment!

I do this on the first day of every month, and it’s always so much fun to offer these messages straight from my soul to yours.

This month only, you will receive 1 free Soulful Journal for every deck that you order! Keep reading to learn more! 

The Soul Clarity Card deck includes 48 cards to help you get More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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