It’s Time (Printable Poster)

We all hold onto things for so much longer than is good for us. We all have that certain something that’s taking up so many of our circuits. That certain something that weighs us down.

We know that we should let it go. We feel deep within our hearts that it’s time to say goodbye to this part of our life.

And yet. We still hang on. We still keep it in our life.

Why? Because we’re afraid. Hanging onto this certain something is what we know. It’s how we’ve lived for so More

Shared Wisdom – You Are Good Enough

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Marilyn Tam

They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.  – Mahatma Gandhi

Are you good enough? Most people harbor feelings that somehow if people really knew who they are, they will not like them. This nagging feeling buzzes in the brain like small yet powerfully irritating mosquitoes, ready to sting at any moment, undermining our confidence to claim our rightful place at the table. More

Your Love Has the Power (Free Printable Art)

Have you ever stopped and taken in how powerful love truly is? How loving yourself can change your entire world? How loving another can change their world? How putting out loving energy can shift your mood from sad to happy? How consciously sending love from your heart to another’s can instantly make them feel better?

Isn’t that amazing to think about?

It may seem that I have always been this open with sharing love – talking about love – being love. It may seem that More

Shared Wisdom – Manifesting What We Don’t Want Isn’t All That Bad!

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Karen Hager

I’m a professional intuitive, and Valentine’s Day brought a lot of questions my way about love and relationships. We deal with these questions all year long, but there’s something about running into paper Cupids and giant red hearts everywhere we go that brings relationship concerns to the forefront.

I got an email from a woman recently who asked:

Why do I keep attracting people just like my ex? With the same issues? The same patterns? Am More

Happy Self-Love Day + Our New Self-Care Journal

I’m so excited about this special day! It’s a day just for you, plus I get to introduce you to our brand new Soulful Journal! (Keep reading to find out about our super special offer that’s just for you!)

Did you know that you officially have permission to love yourself a bit extra today? Did you know that you have permission to give yourself a extra time and attention and care today?

It’s true. It’s Self-Love Day. Yay! More

The Middle Pillar Meditation

As many of you know, meditation is something that I feel called to do but often resist doing. My soul constantly asks me to slow down and get still – to focus on my breath and live in the present moment. And while this sounds absolutely amazing in many ways, my mind usually wins out – explaining that I have about a million things to do and there just simply isn’t time for meditation.

But… still my soul persists. (It’s pretty More

Which Backpack Are You Carrying?

Let’s imagine that everywhere you went, you carried a heavy backpack. You weren’t sure why – it’s not even like you needed it. But it’s something that you’ve done for as long as you can remember. It’s just something that was normal to you. You couldn’t even really remember what was in it.

So, one day, you set it down and opened it up. And you began to pull everything out of it. It had been so long that it was as though you were seeing the contents More

Ready to Live Boldly?

I’m super happy to introduce you to my friend, Tess Marshall today! While we have never met in person, I consider her a dear friend, a soul sister, and a light in my life. We chat regularly on Skype, and each time we sign off, my mouth hurts from laughing so much. 🙂

You may already know Tess from her super popular blog, The Bold Life. She is on a mission to help you push past your fear!  She has a new ecourse,  More

Free Soul Clarity Message!

*** Thanks so much to everyone who participated this month! The time is up for this round, but I’ll be back again on 3/1 for more readings!***

Happy February! It’s that time again where I’ll pull one Soul Clarity Card for each person who leaves a comment!

I do this on the first day of every month, and it’s always so much fun to offer these messages straight from my soul to yours. 🙂

The Soul Clarity Card deck includes 48 cards to help you get clarity More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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